
  • dialogues économiques

Protecting and Taking Advantage of Nature: A Paradox?

In the current Anthropocene epoch, human economic activities seem increasingly incompatible with nature preservation. Researchers Noël Bonneuil and Raouf Boucekkine strive to address this apparent paradox by proposing an approach that combines population genetics and econometrics.
December 08th 2021
  • Research
  • Success

Thesis award from the city of Marseille

Congratulations to Alberto Prati and Guillaume Bérard who both received, yesterday evening, the distinguished thesis award from the city of Marseille, in the presence of their respective thesis supervisors, Olivier Chanel for Alberto, and Alain Trannoy for Guillaume.
December 07th 2021
  • Study
  • PhD
  • Success

Thesis defence, Meryem Rhouzlane

Congratulations Meryem Rhouzlane for having successfully defending your PhD thesis at Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) under the direction of Gilles Dufrenot.
December 06th 2021
  • Study

PET 2022

The PET international conference will take place from Wednesday, June 8 to Friday, June 10, 2022 at the Palais du Pharo in Marseille. Submit a paper now, the deadline is January 24, 2022.
December 02nd 2021
  • research

LAGV 2022

The 21st edition of the Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet will take place from Monday, June 6 to Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at the Palais du Pharo in Marseille. Submit a paper now, the deadline is January 24, 2022.
November 29th 2021
  • dialogues économiques

The Infertility Boom: What Are the Costs to Society?

It is becoming increasingly more difficult to have a baby. In France, one in every eight couples seeks help for a fertility problem. Solutions do exist, but these treatments can be costly for both individuals and society. Is it possible to reduce the inequalities generated by infertility, which affects individuals in an increasingly random manner?
November 24th 2021
  • Study
  • PhD
  • Success

Thesis defence, Pavel Molchanov

Congratulations Pavel Molchanov for having successfully defending your PhD thesis at Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) under the direction of Federico Trionfetti.
November 18th 2021
  • Research
  • Success

Aix-Marseille University 2021 thesis prize

Alberto Prati, former PhD AMSE, awarded a thesis prize for his research work entitled "Memory and Subjective Well-Being. Empirical Analysis of Workers’ and Consumers’ Endogenous Recall Behaviors".
November 16th 2021
  • dialogues économiques

Microcredit in India: Forging A New Path to School?

In the Indian state of Jharkland, women organize themselves in self-help groups. However, are these groups and the associated micro-credit programs efficient for reducing child labor and getting them back to school? A dive into the mechanisms of micro-credit.
November 10th 2021
  • research

Meet the AMSE 2021 Job Market Candidates

AMSE is proud to promote 10 candidates on the international job market this year.
November 05th 2021