Job vacancies

PhD contract ACPR AMSE 2025-28 / Contrat doctoral ACPR AMSE 2025-28

Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) and Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) are offering a three-year PhD contract on the interactions between financial networks and the associated risks. L’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) et Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) proposent un contrat doctoral de trois ans sur les interactions entre les réseaux financiers et les risques associés.
Deadline: April 25th 2025

MCF Econométrie, Data science

only in french

MCF Economie

only in french

AMSE PhD program - on the job track - 1st wave 2025

The AMSE `On the job’ PhD track allows PhD candidates to write a PhD dissertation while in employment. The ultimate objective of candidates enrolled in this track is to quickly and successfully achieve high quality academic research that is of interest for their professional career.
Deadline: April 06th 2025

AMSE PhD program - on the job track - 2nd wave 2025

The AMSE `On the job’ PhD track allows PhD candidates to write a PhD dissertation while in employment. The ultimate objective of candidates enrolled in this track is to quickly and successfully achieve high quality academic research that is of interest for their professional career.
Deadline: September 14th 2025

AMSE PhD program for students coming from the AMSE Research Master - 2025

The application deadline is TBA. This procedure only applies to students enrolled in the AMSE Research Master. Other applicants must comply with the alternative dedicated procedure available from the AMSE PhD program webpage.
Deadline: June 01st 2025

AMSE PhD program - one-year research grants for external students - 2025

The Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) is inviting applications for one-year research grants starting in September or October 2025. Students must be in their fourth year (preferably) or fifth year of PhD in economics in 2025-2026, and about to complete their PhD.
Deadline: April 11th 2025

Expired Postings

AMSE PhD program for students from another Master/University - 2025

This procedure only applies to applicants that are not enrolled in the AMSE Master in Economics or Master in EconometricsStatistics, M2 RESEARCH track. Applicants who do not hold a master equivalent to one of these masters are encouraged to apply to the AMSE Master in Economics or Master in Econometrics-Statistics, RESEARCH track.

AMSE PhD contract in sustainable finance - 2024-2027

AMSE and fintech WeeFin are offering a three-year PhD contract in the field of sustainable finance. The aim of the PhD project will be to decode and decompose environmental indicators in order to maximize their use, relevance and usefulness for financial players. The thesis will be carried out under a French industrial fellowship programme (CIFRE) based on a cooperation between WeeFin and AMSE.

AMSE PhD program - on the job track - 2nd wave 2024

The AMSE `On the job’ PhD track allows PhD candidates to write a PhD dissertation while in employment. The ultimate objective of candidates enrolled in this track is to quickly and successfully achieve high quality academic research that is of interest for their professional career.

AMSE PhD program for students from another Master/University - 2024

This procedure only applies to applicants that are not enrolled in the AMSE Master 2 in Economics, ETE track. Applicants who do not hold a master equivalent to this master are encouraged to apply to the AMSE Master 2 in Economics, ETE track

AMSE PhD program - on the job track - 1st wave 2024

The AMSE `On the job’ PhD track allows PhD candidates to write a PhD dissertation while in employment. The ultimate objective of candidates enrolled in this track is to quickly and successfully achieve high quality academic research that is of interest for their professional career.

AMSE PhD program for students coming from the AMSE ETE Research Master - 2024

This procedure only applies to students enrolled in the AMSE Master 2 in Economics, research track (Empirical and Theoretical Economics). Other applicants must comply with the alternative dedicated procedure available from the AMSEPhD program webpage.

AMSE PhD program - one-year research grants for external students - 2024

The Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) is inviting applications for one-year research grants starting in September or October 2024. Students must be in their fourth year (preferably) or fifth year of PhD in economics in 2024-2025, and about to complete their PhD.

Offre de stage de Master 2


AMSE PhD program - one-year research grants for external students

AMSE funds one-year research grants for external students who will be in their fourth year (preferably) or fifth year of PhD in economics in 2023-2024, and about to complete their PhD.

AMSE PhD program for students coming from the AMSE ETE Research Master

This procedure only applies to students enrolled in the AMSE Master 2 in Economics, research track (Empirical and Theoretical Economics)

AMSE PhD program for students from another Master/University

This procedure only applies to applicants that are not enrolled in the AMSE Master 2 in Economics, ETE track. Applicants who do not hold a master equivalent to this master are encouraged to apply to the AMSE Master 2 in Economics, ETE track.

AMSE - EDF R&D Foundation PhD grant

AMSE and EDF R&D are inviting applications for a three-year PhD grant starting in October 2023. The AMSE - EDF R&D Foundation PhD grant will be operated under a research partnership between both institutions (CIFRE agreement).

Poste de Maître de Conférences à Sciences Po Aix, AMSE


Poste de Maître de Conférences, Aix-Marseille Université, AMSE et LEA


Teacher-Researcher in Macroeconomics

AMSE and the Faculty of Economics and Management are inviting applications for a Teacher-Researcher in Macroeconomics. The starting date is September 1st 2023.

Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023

The Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) is inviting applications for four postdoctoral fellowships in economics, with the position beginning on September 1st, 2023.

Tenure-track position - Assistant Professor

The Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) and Centrale Marseille are seeking to recruit one tenure track faculty member at the Assistant Professor level, with the position beginning on September 1st, 2023.

Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022

The Aix Marseille School of Economics is inviting applications for four postdoctoral fellowships in economics.

Tenure-track position - Assistant Professor

The Aix Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) is seeking to recruit one tenure track faculty member at the assistant professor level, with the position beginning on September 1st, 2022.