
  • Research

OpenAccessWeek 2021

The week on the open access to scientific publications takes place from 25 to 31 October.
November 03rd 2021
  • dialogues économiques

Social-Emotional Skills: Should You Have a Large Family?

Knowing how to be patient, work in a team, and manage your emotions are all highly valued skills. These so-called non-cognitive skills are developed during a key period in our life: childhood. Economists Simon Briole, Hélène Le Forner, and Anthony Lepinteur reveal in a recent study how sibling size influences the development of social-emotional skills and has the dependent variable of gender.
October 27th 2021
  • Research
  • Photo/video gallery
  • research

LAGV prize ASSET 2021

The Louis-André Gérard-Varet prize for the best paper by a young researcher was awarded today to Daniele D'arienzo, Assistant Professor at Nova School of Business and Economics, at the 2021 ASSET conference in Marseille.
Le Prix Louis André-Gérard Varet pour le meilleur article de jeune chercheur a été décerné ce jour à Daniele D'arienzo, Maître de conférence à la Nova School of Business and Economics, lors de la conférence ASSET 2021 qui s’est tenue du 20 au 22 octobre 2021.
October 22nd 2021
  • Study
  • Education
  • Study

Pre-selection campaign M2 Theoretical and Empirical Economics (ETE) for 2022/23

The master in Economics track "Theoretical and Empirical Economics" has a very strong research focus and allows admission to the AMSE PhD programme.
A pre-selection campaign for external candidates willing to enroll this track is planned from October 25 to December 5, 2021.
The master in Economics track "Theoretical and Empirical Economics" has a very strong research focus and allows admission to the AMSE PhD programme. A pre-selection campaign for external candidates willing to enroll this track is planned from October 25 to December 5, 2021.
October 20th 2021
  • Study
  • Education

Differentiated fees for non-EU students

The tuitions fees for non-EU students have evolved.
October 15th 2021
  • Research

Tenure-track position - Assistant Professor

The Aix Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) is seeking to recruit one tenure track faculty member at the assistant professor level, with the position beginning on September 1st, 2022.
More information
October 15th 2021
  • dialogues économiques

Voting when conflicted

When you step into a voting booth, you are faced with a choice: who do you vote for? What happens to people who share the ideas of several parties at once? How can individuals divided between several ideologies impact elections?
October 13th 2021
  • Research
  • research

Chair AMSE / IMéRA

Call for applications is open until 15/11.
Call for applications is open until 15/11.
October 04th 2021
  • Study
  • Education

Launch of the ESP 2021/22

The 3rd year of the Magistère Ingénieur Economiste programme of study includes one graduation project called ESP, End-of-Studies Project. Purpose of an ESP is to enable students carrying out operational engineering data science work provided by our socio-economic partners and co-supervised by an academic from AMSE and the partner. A great way to confront theory with real world applications, and a...
October 01st 2021
  • dialogues économiques

Collective Decision: Preventing the Worst from Happening

Should we wish for the best or focus on damage control? From deciding who will sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, to choosing a cake for guests, or distributing a budget, the question is always there. What are the ways to increase the guarantee that the worst will not happen?
September 29th 2021