
  • Study

Machine Learning Aix-Marseille

AMSE welcomes the next Machine Learning Meetup on Thursday, October 17
October 09th 2019
  • news

Joseph Stiglitz in Marseille for a policy lecture

Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize in Economics, invited by AMSE to talk about his new book "People, Power, and Profits"
September 30th 2019
  • dialogues économiques

In Zambia, traditional beliefs increase maternal risk

In Zambia, traditional beliefs impact maternal mortality and medical services are largely unused by Zambian women.
September 25th 2019
  • Study

Afterwork - Deloitte

Deloitte will host an afterwork for Magistère and Master students, on Thursday, October 3
September 25th 2019
  • Study

Graduate school sporting tournament

The annual AMSE sporting tournament is on Tuesday, October 1
September 12th 2019
  • Study

2019 graduation ceremony

The AMSE graduation ceremony will be held on Friday, October 11. Come celebrate our graduates!
September 05th 2019