
  • dialogues économiques

Longevity, (in)equalities, progressivity

From one place to another, inequalities depict very different situations. The economist Alan Auerbach, professor at the University of California, offers a new approach to the inequalities
November 06th 2019
  • Study
  • Education

Workshop "Build your application successfully”

A workshop "Build your application successfully” is set up by the school, in partnership with Manpower (an executive search firm), for our last year students. Objective: help students finding a suitable internship, and, later, entering the job market successfully.
November 06th 2019
  • Research
  • Success

ASSET - LAGV prize awarded to Shahir Safi

The Louis-André Gérard-Varet prize for the best paper by a young researcher was awarded to Shahir Safi, AMSE post-doctoral fellow, at the ASSET conference in Athenes, in October 2019. 
November 06th 2019
  • Study
  • Education
  • Event

Afterwork with DELOITTE on October 3

Olivier SAUTEL (Deloitte Economic Advisory) will host an afterwork on October 3rd for AMSE students, entitled "Deloitte and the economic advisory market: what scope? what missions? what talents?"
November 06th 2019
  • Study
  • Event

Annual sporting challenge on October 1st

AMSE Students, faculties and staff are invited to attend the annual AMSE sporting tournament. Follow the linnk to register
November 06th 2019
  • Study
  • Event

Graduation ceremony on October 11

The AMSE graduation ceremony will be held on Friday, October 11 at 6pm. We count on you to be there. Please register fllowing this link
November 06th 2019
  • Study
  • PhD

Thesis defence, Samuel Kembou Nzale

Congratulations Samuel Kembou Nzale for having successfully defending your PhD thesis at Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE).
November 06th 2019
  • Study
  • Event

Meetup Machine Learning on October 17

AMSE a été sélectionnée pour organiser le prochain meetup "Machine Learning" qui rassemble une communauté de 1500 personnes dans la région
November 05th 2019
  • Study
  • Event

Education fair - Salon des Grandes Ecoles de Marseille

Amse will attend the next education fair organised by L'Etudiant in Marseille on Saturday 9 November 2019. Follow this link to get your free pass entry
November 05th 2019
  • Study
  • Event

Annual Career day and internship forum AMSE

Please save the date of the next annual CAREER DAY combined our INERNSHIP FORUM : Friday 24 January 2020, from 8:30 to 5:00pm (place to be confirmed).
Key event of the year, the career day will give our students the chance to meet economists working in both private and public sectors.
November 05th 2019