
  • dialogues économiques

Students Prefer Accredited Schools!

How can you set yourself apart within a world of excellence? In order to be noticed and attract the very best students, elite French business schools, much like peacocks, show off their finest accreditations!
April 27th 2022
  • dialogues économiques

Risky Business: Reserved for Immigrants

Not all is equal between natives and immigrants in the labor market. Beyond wage differences, immigrants also tend to work in more dangerous jobs and face difficult working conditions. this difference can be partially explained by outside employment opportunities and socio-demographic preferences.
April 15th 2022
  • Study
  • Education

Alumni testimony #4

Thank you to Juliette Le Gallo for sharing with us her experience as an alumni and consultant at IREEDD (Institut des Ressources Environnementales Et du Développement Durable).
April 06th 2022
  • Study
  • Education

Alumni testimony #3

Thank you to Sitraka Forler for sharing with us his experience as an alumni and Qualitician Web Analyst / Data Scientist for the VirtualExpo Group.
April 06th 2022
  • Study
  • Education

2021/2022 Graduation projects oral defenses

End-of-studies projects final oral exam for our Magistère Ingénieur Economiste students have been working for several months took place last week.
March 30th 2022
  • dialogues économiques

In Favour of the Majority

In addition to its philosophical legitimacy, the majority is a collective preference representative of the preferences of the members of a society. It is similar to the average, which in statistics is representative of a group of data.
March 30th 2022
  • Study
  • Student life

Junior Data Analyst, welcome to the new team 2022/2023

Discover the new team of Junior Data Analyst for the academic year 2022/2023.
March 23rd 2022
  • Study
  • Student life

Student Association, welcome to the new team 2022/2023

Discover the new team of the student association for the academic year 2022/2023.
March 22nd 2022
  • dialogues économiques

Has the United States Exported Its Obesity Rate to Mexico?

With an obesity rate of 28.1%, Mexico is fatter than the United States! One explanation is the arrival of North American foods following the signing of NAFTA. Economists give their point of view on the health consequences of this trade agreement.
March 16th 2022
  • Research
  • Research highlight

Land is back, it should be taxed, it can be taxed

Odran Bonnet, Guillaume Chapelle, Alain Trannoy & Étienne Wasmer, 2021, European Economic Review, 134 (C)
March 15th 2022