
  • Study
  • PhD
  • Success

Thesis defence, Carolina Ulloa Suarez

Congratulations Carolina Ulloa Suarez for having successfully defending your PhD thesis at Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) under the direction of Gilles Dufrénot.
November 14th 2022
  • Research
  • Success

ASSET 2022: Sofia Ruiz Palazuelos received the LAGV prize

The Louis André-Gérard-Varet Prize for the best paper by a young researcher was awarded to Sofia Ruiz Palazuelos, post-doctoral fellow at AMSE, at the ASSET 2022 conference held on October 27-29, 2022.
November 03rd 2022
  • dialogues économiques

Security: Who Benefits from the Fight Against Crime?

What is the point of an alarm if it is not connected to the police? Is the police relevant to those with a security camera? Public and private security cannot be effective on their own.
November 03rd 2022
  • Study
  • Education
  • Study

Pre-selection campaign 2023/2024 M2 Theoretical and Empirical Economics (ETE)

A pre-selection campaign for external candidates willing to enroll this track is planned from October 28 to November 30, 2022. The master in Economics track "Theoretical and Empirical Economics" (ETE) has a very strong research focus and allows admission to the AMSE PhD programme.
A pre-selection campaign for external candidates willing to enroll this track is planned from October 28 to November 30, 2022. 
October 28th 2022
  • dialogues économiques

Marriage, War, Money? How Inheritance Impacted the Creation of the Modern State

Why did medieval inheritance rules prioritize men over women? Èric Roca Fernández demonstrates how this practice helped European feudal fiefdoms transform into modern states.
October 19th 2022
  • dialogues économiques

Evaluating Education Systems Through Inequalities Between Families

Every three years, the PISA survey ranks education systems! However, it ignores one of their main tasks: reducing social and economic inequalities. Taking these inequities into account makes a difference.
October 05th 2022
  • Study
  • Event


Aix-Marseille University invites all its students to the 6MIC (Aix-en-Provence) on October 11 for the 2022 edition of the FESTIV'AMU!
September 30th 2022
  • Research
  • Success

Fondation Banque de France Thesis Prize

Sullivan HUÉ is the winner of the 2021 Fondation Banque de France Thesis Prize. Congratulations!
September 28th 2022
  • dialogues économiques

Cesarean Section Epidemic: The Algerian Case

How can the global caesarean section epidemic be explained? The example of Algeria reveals differences in practice between private and public health actors.
September 21st 2022
  • Study
  • Education
  • Event

Online workshop “Boost your internship/job search strategy”

An online workshop entitled “Boost your internship/job search strategy” is proposed to AMSE students on Sept 30.
September 19th 2022