Public Outreach

At the interface between academic research and society, AMSE disseminates economic knowledge to non-academic audiences by:
- making the results of research accessible to everyone through its digital journal, Dialogues économiques, which publishes articles, videos and infographics,
- organizing outreach events (conferences, festivals, exhibitions),
- supporting researchers to contributing to the public debate (journalistic writing, press relations).
  • Press
  • Interview

« Travestir les chiffres est la marque de fabrique des populistes »

Only in French | An interview of Alain Trannoy (EHESS/AMSE) published by Le Point.
June 21st 2024
  • Press
  • Op-Ed

Les bénéfices écologiques d'une économie punitive

Only in French - Op-ed article by Alain Trannoy (EHESS / AMSE) published by Les Echos
May 30th 2024
  • Press

Interview of Fanny Henriet

Only in French | Fanny Henriet (CNRS / AMSE) nominated for the Prix du meilleur jeune économiste 2024, which rewards excellence in research and its contribution to public debate.
May 28th 2024
  • Press

Podcast interview with Frédéric Deroïan

Only in French | Interview with Frédéric Deroïan (CNRS / AMSE) on Radio Grenouille.
May 20th 2024
  • Press
  • Op-Ed

« Après l’élection présidentielle au Sénégal, les remises en cause du franc CFA dessinent trois scénarios possibles »

Only in French | An op-ed published by Le Monde written by Gilles Dufrénot (Sciences Po Aix/AMSE)
May 02nd 2024
  • Press
  • Op-Ed

« S’il reste intéressant de nationaliser TotalEnergies pour mieux maîtriser la décarbonation, il paraît encore plus pertinent de taxer ses superprofits »

Only in French | An op-ed published by Le Monde written by four researchers, including Fanny Henriet (CNRS/AMSE)
April 22nd 2024
  • Press

70 years of VAT: "It's a tax that hits the poorest households"

Alain Trannoy (EHESS / AMSE) was the guest on Franceinfo public radio's "L'invité éco" program.
April 12th 2024
  • Press

NGOs: businesses of donations

Nathalie Ferrière (Sciences Po Aix / AMSE) was a guest on the radio programme "Entendez-vous l'éco" on France Culture, which produced a series of episodes on the economics of humanitarian aid.
April 03rd 2024
  • Press
  • Op-Ed

"A general increase in major taxes such as VAT or income tax would be a monumental mistake".

Only in French - Op-ed article by Alain Trannoy (EHESS / AMSE) published by Le Monde
March 29th 2024
  • Press

Reconciling capital and labour: how can employee share ownership be extended to SMEs?

Only in French - An article by Nicolas Aubert (AMU / IAE) and Renaud Bourlès (Centrale Méditerranée / AMSE) published in The Conversation.
March 11th 2024