
  • Study
  • Event

Afterwork with International Paper

Jean-Sébastien BLANC (International Paper) will moderate an afterwork on Monday, November 16th for M2 and MAG3 AMSE students, at 5:30pm.
October 23rd 2020
  • Study
  • PhD

Thesis defence, Edward Levavasseur

Bravo Edward Levavasseur for having successfully defending your PhD thesis at Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) under the direction of Nicolas Gravel and Francesco Andreoli.
October 21st 2020
  • dialogues économiques

World Poverty: The numbers do not add up

How many people are living in poverty in the world? Finding the answer to this simple question poses a wealth of difficulty.
October 14th 2020
  • Research

The Nobel Prize

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 2020 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel to Paul R. Milgrom and Robert B. Wilson "for improvements to auction theory and inventions of new auction formats".
October 14th 2020
  • dialogues économiques

Sciences Echos Lectures

This year, Sciences Echos Conferences are open to everyone! Online registration required. "Why do we get into a relationship?" "What do economics teach us in times of epidemics?" "Can the carbon tax be fair?" "Why put off until tomorrow what we can do today" These questions will be answered by researchers in economics.
October 05th 2020
  • dialogues économiques

Africa: a fertile ground for conflict?

What is the impact of soil productivity on conflicts? According to Nicolas Berman, Mathieu Couttenier and Raphaël Soubeyran, the risk of violence increases in proportion to the level of difference in soil fertility.
September 30th 2020
  • research

Annual report

Pleased to announce the publication of our 2019 annual report.
September 24th 2020
  • Research
  • Success

Two members of AMSE have been elected Fellows of the Econometric Society

We are happy to announce that two members of AMSE have been elected Fellows of the Econometric Society.
September 23rd 2020
  • Study
  • Photo/video gallery

Video highlight of the Master and Magistère prestart meetings

Video highlight of the Master and Magistère prestart meetings
September 23rd 2020
  • dialogues économiques

Let’s (De)Centralize Public Goods!

Should we favor large metropolises over small communities? Centralizing helps reduce expenses but when public authorities lack some of the relevant information, opting for a federal structure may be the way to go.
September 16th 2020