Organized as a follow-up to the commitments made during the 2019 "Sommet des deux rives", the Mediterranean Forum will be held in Marseille on 7 and 8 February 2022. Aix-Marseille University will take part in the Forum as well as many young people and civil society actors from the two shores of the Mediterranean!
4 AMSE students have been selected as rapporteurs: Axelle RENAUD (MAG1), Valentine GRAU (M2 APE and MAG3), Nastasia HENRY (M2 ETE and MAG3) and Flora QUIRIE (M2 APE and MAG3).
The rapporteurs will synthesize the exchanges, ensure that the problematics are identified and highlight the resulting proposals. The different summaries will be gathered in a “golden book” to be handed over to the President of the Republic.
#ForumMed Info & registration HERE.
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