Our alumni and partners were very mobilized for AMSE students on the career day on Friday, November 20, 2020.
A 100% online event organised in two parts:
- A morning plenary session devoted to the careers of our alumni with: Hagop BOGHAZDEKLIAN, Julieta PEVERI, Catherine ANGELLOZ-NICOUD, Julia THOMAS, Ombeline JULLIEN de POMMEROL, Aynur GILLES, Younes LAHOUIR, Juliette LE GALLO, Aristide OLOU, and Boriana YONTCHEVA who also participated,
- Afternoon sessions dedicated to individual meetings professionals/students with the representatives of 25 companies, 236 online appointments had been scheduled.
Thanks to everyone, especially to the communication team, and to the 170 students who attended the event!
© Photo by Kateryna on Adobe Stock