[eng] In this paper the evolution of networks is studied in an environment where innovation takes place as a resuit of agents bringing together their knowledge endowments. Agents freely form pairs that must constitute a stable matching in which the rankings are made on the basis of the innovative ability of any possible pair. Once innovation has taken place the new knowledge generated is allocated to the individuals and the process is iterated. We study the properties of the dynamic network formed by these interactions, and the resultant knowledge dynamics. We find that both the extent to which innovative tasks can be decomposed and the rule for allocating new knowledge to innovative partners are crucially important in determining the properties of the emergent network structure and knowledge profiles. [fre] Dans ce papier, nous étudions l'évolution des réseaux dans un environnement où l'innovation résulte de la mise en commun par les agents de leurs connaissances. Les agents forment des partenariats stables dans un modèle d'appariement où les préférences individuelles résultent du potentiel d'innovation associé à chaque partenariat possible. La formation d'une alliance permet de produire des connaissances nouvelles qui sont allouées aux participants à l'alliance, et le processus est itéré. Nous étudions les propriétés du réseau dynamique formé par ces interactions, et la façon dont les connaissances elles-mêmes s'accumulent. Nous montrons que la séparabilité des tâches d'innovation et la manière dont les connaissances produites sont allouées aux partenaires sont déterminantes à la fois dans l'émergence de structure et dans l'évolution des profils de connaissance des partenaires.
eng] The role of social networks in innovation diffusion remains a strategic question. In former works, we have introduced a relational learning, based on hebbian rule, that leads to a critical state, in which few agents reach structural positions of opinion leaders. In this paper, we show that the self-organization of an influence network, through social learning, is not a monotonie process, from the point of view of structural characteristics as well as of its diffusion performances. The notion of intermediarity, which derives directly from the concept of network, appears necessary to decrypt this evolution. By introducing the role of "weak ties" in the diverse diffusion regimes it is then possible to bring a new understan-ding of the phenomenon.
[fre] Le rôle des réseaux sociaux dans la diffusion de l'innovation demeure une question stratégique. Dans des travaux antérieurs, nous avons introduit un apprentissage relationnel, de type hebbien, qui conduit à un état critique, dans lequel certains agents acquièrent des positions, purement structurelles, de leaders d'opinion. Dans cet article, nous montrons que l'auto-organisation d'un réseau d'influence, par l'effet d'un apprentissage social, ne constitue pas un phénomène monotone, aussi bien du point de vue des caractéristiques structurelles du réseau que de celui de ses performances en diffusion. Ceci nécessite, pour être analysé, de recourir à la notion d'intermédiarité qui est inhérente au concept de réseau. Une analyse relative au rôle des "liens faibles" dans les différents régimes de diffusion devrait alors permettre d'offrir un éclairage nouveau sur cette dynamique d'évolution.
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[eng] Though software intellectual property could not satisfactorily fall into any existing legal framework, all countries have taken the decision to range it under the category of copyright. Then the double objective of intellectual property protection is not satisfied, which consists, on the one hand, to grant to the inventor a provisional monopoly for exploiting his invention and, on the other hand, to oblige him to disclose the principles of his invention. To resort to the patents system as it became more and more usual in the US and which is in debate in Europe, raise other kind of problems. Now the alternative model of Open Source Software, based on a very peculiar juridical tool called GPL « General Public Licence », tends to take a growing importance. Its main principle is to impose to its adopters to disclose the source-code of the concerned programs and of any further improvement, as well as the free circulation of the code under the sole condition to maintain its « open » character. A growing number of enterprises began to « free » part of their software products, by joining the GPL status or introducing their own « hybrid » licences, in order to control the extent of their openness. By doing that they introduce a totally different approach of intellectual property within their industrial strategies. [fre] Bien que, tant sur le plan juridique que sur le plan économique, la propriété intellectuelle du logiciel ne trouve une solution satisfaisante dans aucun des cadres existants disponibles, la totalité des législations a pris le parti de la classer dans la catégorie du droit d'auteur. Aussi, le double objectif de la protection de la propriété intellectuelle qui consiste, d'un côté, à accorder à l'inventeur un monopole temporaire pour l'exploitation de son invention et, de l'autre, à exiger de sa part qu'il dévoile les principes de son invention, n'est pas satisfait. Le recours aux brevets, qui est devenu de plus en plus courant aux É
A recent literature has described, on an empirical level, the way in which local industries are organised into ?clusters?, inserted within global industrial and commercial networks. These studies have shown that geographical proximity by itself is not a sufficient condition for co-ordination but can contribute to its efficiency, providing the existence of other shared dimensions among agents: common organisation, representations, projects... Adopting an approach in terms of proximity economics and situated agents, we emphasise the promising perspectives offered by small world concept to provide a theoretical analysis of the properties of clusters. Classification JEL : L22, L23, R30
After a long period of building, the microelectronics cluster in the Marseilles Metropolitan Area appears to have reached a critical size and investment dynamics capable to ensure its durability. In this paper we aim to enlighten such an assumption by analysing the nature of the process that led to the present situation. We shall study the modalities of actors local co-ordination, while they are dependent of industry and markets global constraints. This will enable us to understand how such local co-ordinations can provide or not the ground of a territorial anchorage. Classification JEL : L23, L63, O18, R3, R58.
An open source software is defined by the availability of its source-code that cannot be privately appropriated. Its production is based on a special cooperative organisation mode, called the ?bazaar?, which functions particularly well in the context of Internet. Its functional viability till now was related to the fact that the users and developers of these software products considered themselves in the same category of actors. Today, open source software is entering the market and the existing form of organisation can now be the source of profits. The model?s viability is related to its ability to sustain a high level of innovation. Hence, it depends on individual incentives to participate, and public spiritedness can no longer be relied upon as an effective substitute. Classification JEL : D23, H41, L86, O31, O34
We introduce negative relationships in a network of social influence whose agents cope with a binary opinion concerning two competing standards, and we explore the possible collective dynamics. A weak proportion of anticonformism leads to well known phenomenon of lock-in (collective agreement uppon one given opinion). Too much anticonformism generates persistent instability in individual opinions about technological standards. Now, we point out that an optimal dose of anticonformism can originate lock-outs: a minimal amount is necessary to depart from homogenous behaviors, but too much would prevent the rest of the society from reaching the opinions of anticonformists, and achieve the lock-out. Hence, our interaction-ist analysis points out specific conditions of demand as a possible reason for changing consumer behaviors in a context of standardization.
We propose a two step game of coalition or city formation. In a first step, each player chooses the location in which he wants to be. The payoff function, determined in the second step by a game between the different locations reflects two effects: a public effect such that payoffs decrease with the number of non-empty locations; a private effect such that payoffs to the inhabitants of a PartIcular location decrease with the size of the population at that location. We analyse the consequences for the set of stable profiles of an increase in the relative weight of the public effect in the payoff function. We show that the number of stable profiles increases with the public effect but that the newly added profiles are not always more concentrated.