

Financement des universités, financement des étudesJournal articleAlain Trannoy, Revue d'économie politique, Volume 116, Issue 6, pp. 745-782, 2006

Regardless of the issue of tuition fees, we explore new ways to improve the financing of higher education in France. We first study funding formula from the state to universities. The so called ?San Remo? funding formula is modelled and its incentive properties are studied. Even if it is very powerful to contain costs, it presents the major drawback to push universities to increase the number of degrees. We suggest new funding formulae for teaching activities which introduce a yardstick competition between universities relative to their performance of their graduates on the job market. An implementation is proposed through a small change of the income tax return. In a second step, we argue in favour of the introduction of income contingent student loans. The student only repays through an extra income tax liability when his income exceeds some threshold. We propose a variant with automatic rescheduling. These two reforms are viewed as quite complement.

L'impact du vote avec les pieds sur le barème d'imposition optimale du revenu. Une illustration sur données françaisesJournal articleAlain Trannoy and Laurent Simula, Revue Économique, Volume 57, Issue 3, pp. 517-527, 2006

What is the impact of the threat of migration for tax purposes on the optimum redistributive policy of a country which aims at preventing emigration of highly skilled individuals ? We use the theory of optimum income taxation à la Mirrlees [1971] to answer this question. The world consists of two countries, a redistributive country A and a laissez-faire country B. The agents living in A emigrate to B if they obtain in the latter a greater utility level, taking migration costs into account. We assume that there is no income-effect on labour supply. After having extended Diamond?s [1998] formula, we present simulation results concerning the optimal income tax schedule in France when agents vote with their feet. The optimum allocation is characterised by a curse of the middle-skilled workers and an upper bound on the average tax rate which depends on gross income. Classification JEL : H21, F22

Une réforme du financement des universités européennes passe par des prêts aux étudiantsJournal articleRobert J. Gary-Bobo and Alain Trannoy, Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, Volume XLV, Issue 2, pp. 75-81, 2006

In many respects, the performances of European universities are poor, as compared to North-American universities. A major reason for their problems is the lack of funding. Substantial increases in tuition and fees do not seem to be politically feasible because so many students are financially constrained: the major problem of European universities is the under-development of student loans. We compare various student-loan systems and focus on loans with income-contingent reimbursement. We suggest that State intervention is needed to overcome a number of difficulties in the development of this form of finance.

Santé, assurance et équité / Health, Insurance and EquityJournal articleNicolas Gravel, Lise Rochaix and Alain Trannoy, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Issue 83-84, pp. 3-18, 2006

La troisième conférence en l'honneur du fondateur de l'Institut d'Économie Publique (IDEP), Louis-André Gérard-Varet (LAGV) s'est tenue à Marseille en Juin 2004. Cette conférence annuelle vise à encourager la production et la diffusion de la recherche en économie publique, en mettant essentiellement l'accent sur les résultats qui contribuent significativement à améliorer la décision publique. La troisième édition de cette conférence, organisée sur le thème «Santé. Assurance et Équité », a rassemblé 60 contributions qui ont porté sur différentes questions relative à l'économie et à la gestion des systèmes de santé, définis au sens large. Cette conférence à été retenue comme Conférence ADRES 2004 et elle a été soutenue financièrement par l'ADRES, le Conseil Régional Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, le Département des Bouches-du-Rhône, le Mairie de Marseille et le ministère français des Affaires étrangères.

Measuring the social value of local public goods: an empirical analysis within Paris metropolitan areaJournal articleNicolas Gravel, Alessandra Michelangeli and Alain Trannoy, Applied Economics, Volume 38, Issue 16, pp. 1945-1961, 2006

A non-linear hedonic model is used to estimate the implicit marginal prices of 17 local public goods in a Paris suburban area on an original data set of some 8200 housing units. The results reveal a robust effect of local public school quality (measured both by the fraction of junior high school students that are at least two years behind grade level and the student/teacher ratio) on house prices. It is observed that housing owners' marginal willingness to pay for reducing commuting time is roughly similar for public transportation than for car transportation. Another noticeable result is the complete capitalization of local taxes at a discount rate of 3.5%. An illustration of the potential usefulness of the results for Cost-Benefit analysis is also provided.

Protecting Minorities through the Average Voting RuleJournal articleAlain Trannoy and Régis Renault, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 169-199, 2005

In the average voting rule, the outcome is some weighted average of votes. The unique average voting outcome is characterized by a median formula, which depends on voters' preferred allocations and some parameters constructed from voters' weights. A minority is said to be protected by a switch in voting rule if the outcome becomes closer to the median bliss point of the minority. Sufficient conditions for minority protection are that, either the minority's weight is sufficiently large or the majority outcome is too unfavorable to the minority. Applications to the composition of public goods and to public expenditures level are considered. We explore the combined use of average and majority voting in a two-stage procedure for determining the level and the composition of public expenditures. Copyright 2005 Blackwell Publishing Inc..

Faut-il augmenter les droits d'inscription à l'université ?Journal articleAlain Trannoy and Robert J. Gary-Bobo, Revue Française d'Économie, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 189-237, 2005

fre] Nous adoptons la perspective de pouvoirs publics cherchant à améliorer l'efficacité économique, sous la contrainte de ne pas rendre plus inéquitable l'accès à l'enseignement supérieur. A cette fin, nous proposons que tout jeune sortant de l'enseignement secondaire, qu'il (elle) entre ou non à l'université, puisse emprunter sans intérêt auprès de l'Etat une valeur approximative de 60 000 euros, représentant le coût direct total de cinq années de scolarité d'enseignement supérieur, sur la base d'un projet professionnel, et que les universités puissent fixer des droits d'inscription de l'ordre de 4 500 euros par an. Pour arriver à cette conclusion, nous proposons une discussion générale du financement des études supérieures du point de vue du principe d'égalité des chances et nous étudions, au préalable, les règles optimales d'admission des étudiants, sous l'hypothèse que les étudiants ne sont pas soumis à une contrainte d'endettement. Pour que les droits d'inscription soient pratiquement nuls à Y optimum social, comme dans l'université française actuelle, il faudrait que l'université ait une très fine connaissance des talents cognitifs de tous ceux qui se présentent à elle et que les étudiants admis soient vraiment ceux qui sont les plus capables de mettre à profit les connaissances dispensées, ce qui suppose une sélection à l'entrée.
[eng] Should we Raise Tuition Fees ? The present article addresses the issue of higher education finance from the double point of view of efficiency and equality of opportunity. We assume that a decision-maker would like to improve efficiency, under the constraint that access to higher education is not made more inequitable. For this purpose, we propose that each young person leaving secondary education, whatever his or her plans to enter higher education, may benefit from a free loan of an amount of around 60 000 €, under the requirement of proposing a professional plan. This amount represents the direct cost of five years of studies at the university, which could then be allowed to raise tuition charges up to 4 500 € per year. Such a proposition is derived from an analysis, in which we pay attention to optimal student admission rules under the assumption that students are not facing a borrowing constraint. For free admission to be optimal, as it is the case in French universities, the higher education institution must have a very precise knowledge of the applicants' cognitive talents. This requires entrance examinations, in order to make sure that those who study are also those who benefit the most from higher education.

Évaluation des effets de l'intéressement Aubry sur l'activité des bénéficiaires des minima sociaux à la RéunionJournal articleAlain Trannoy, Nadia Alibay and Nathalie Picard, Revue Économique, Volume 56, Issue 3, pp. 583-592, 2005

The Aubry? law voted in 1999 introduced a reform in the accumulation system of the specific minimum income recipients. This population is divided in two ones: the recipients of an api (allocation parent isolé) and the recipients of a rmi (revenu minimum d?nsertion). Our purpose is to study the effect of a reform by comparing these two populations, in a French oversea area where the unemployement is the most important in France. The api? recipient can for the fist time draw salary and cash assistance concurrently although the rmi? recipients knew already this system before the reform. On panel data, we applied econometric models of qualitative variable: a simple logit, a fixed effect logit and a random effect logit. It appears the effect of reform is positive: it creates incentives for the cash assistance recipients to take a job.

Intergenerational earnings mobility in France: Is France more mobile than the U.S.?Journal articleArnaud Lefranc and Alain Trannoy, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Issue 78, pp. 57-77, 2005

This paper examines the extent and evolution of intergenerational earnings mobility in France. We use data from five waves of the French Education-Training-Employment (FQP) surveys covering the period 1964 to 1993. Our estimation procedure follows Björklund and Jäntti (1997)'s two-sample instrumental variable method. On our samples, the elasticity of son's (respectively daughter's) long-run income with respect to father's long run income is around .4 (resp. .3) with no significant change over the period under scrutiny. Comparing these estimates to results obtained from other studies suggests that intergenerational mobility is higher in France than in the United States and United Kingdom and lower than in Scandinavian countries.

Sur les raisons du non-emploi des femmes isolées en FranceJournal articleAlain Trannoy, Innovations, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 147-161, 2004

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