

Is financial repression a solution to reduce fiscal vulnerability? The example of France since the end of World War IIJournal articleMarcel Aloy, Gilles Dufrénot and Anne Péguin-Feissolle, Applied Economics, Volume 46, Issue 6, pp. 629-637, 2014

This article contributes to the recent empirical literature on financial repression and focuses on the French case since the end of World War II. We find that the fiscal adjustment needed to lower the debt ratio has been smaller during the years of financial repression in comparison with those of liberalized financial markets. This was possible because the real interest rates were low. We conduct a counterfactual analysis to see whether the vulnerability of public finances would have been different, if, since the late 1980s, the governments had continued carrying out the same financial repression policies. We answer affirmatively showing that the cost of debt service would have been reduced.

Spillover effects of the 2008 global financial crisis on the volatility of the Indian equity markets: Coupling or uncoupling? A study on sector-based dataJournal articleGilles Dufrénot and Benjamin Keddad, International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 33, Issue C, pp. 17-32, 2014

This paper focuses on the following question: has the global financial stress in the US markets during the subprime crisis induced a persistent volatility of Indian equity stocks? We answer this question using sector-based data and we propose a simple stochastic volatility model augmented with exogenous inputs (financial stress indicators in the US market). We derive analytically the autocorrelation of the squared returns using cross-moments and estimate the impact of several variables such as the CDS spreads, the ABCP spreads, market liquidity, the volatility of the S&P 500 using a Kalman filter approach with the impact captured through Almon polynomials. We find a strong evidence of persistent volatility irrespective of the sector and interpret this finding as the result of two factors: the lower liquidity of the Indian equity markets during the subprime crisis and a wake-up call effect.

Global Imbalances And Financial Sector Instabilities: IntroductionJournal articleVladimir Borgy, Carine Bouthevillain and Gilles Dufrénot, International Journal of Finance & Economics, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 1-2, 2014

This special issue provides several views about the sources of the current crisis and policy solutions to cope with it. It brings together papers from academic institutions, international organizations and central banks. The first three papers argue that the crisis was triggered by the lack of confidence of the investors in the markets. This was reflected, for instance, in the pricing of the public debt (with an increase in the sovereign debt spreads) and in the reduced syndicated lending in wholesale lending markets. The other three papers focus on policy aspects by analyzing indicators that could serve as early warning signals of increasing stress and vulnerability. The authors propose three set of indicators: policy‐based indicators, some variables used in the macro‐prudential literature and financial indexes. The papers are a selection of papers presented at a Conference on Macroeconomic and financial vulnerability indicators in advanced economies co‐organizes by the Banque de France and the University of Strasbourg on 13–14 September 2013. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Managing the fragility of the Eurozone by Paul de GrauweJournal articleVladimir Borgy, Carine Bouthevillain and Gilles Dufrénot, International Journal of Finance & Economics, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 3-11, 2014

This paper discusses sources of self‐fulfilling equilibria in the Eurozone when some governments are highly susceptible to movements of distrust by investors who fear some payment difficulty. Self‐fulfilling prophecies occur when countries become insolvent only because investors fear insolvency. They induce multiple equilibria, some of which correspond to bad equilibria and others to good equilibria. An important issue then is to solve this problem, notably to eliminate the bad equilibria. In the short‐run, the role of the central bank as a lender of last resort is key. But this raises issues about the risk inherent to its intervention (inflation, solvency). In the medium run, macroeconomic policies in the euro are central (structural reforms and the reduction of external imbalances). In the long run, it may be worth proceeding to the consolidation of national budgets and debts, which would protect the countries of being forced with default by the financial markets. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Business cycles synchronization in East Asia: A Markov-switching approachJournal articleGilles Dufrénot and Benjamin Keddad, Economic Modelling, Volume 42, Issue C, pp. 186-197, 2014

This paper attempts to analyze the relationships between the ASEAN-5's business cycles. We examine the nature of business cycle synchronization trying to disentangle between intraregional and interregional synchronization by considering the important role of China, Japan and the US in synchronizing the activity within the ASEAN-5. We employ a time-varying transition probability Markov switching framework in order to allow the degree of synchronization to fluctuate across the phases of the business cycles. We provide evidence that the signals contained in some regional and global leading business cycles can impact the ASEAN-5's business cycles.

New tools to assess fiscal and financial vulnerabilities in advanced economiesJournal articleVladimir Borgy, Carine Bouthevillain, Claude Diebolt and Gilles Dufrénot, Applied Economics, Volume 46, Issue 6, pp. 587-588, 2014

This introduction presents a selection of articles dealing with the issue of measuring the fiscal and financial vulnerabilities in the advanced economies. These articles were presented at a conference organized jointly by the Banque de France and BETA in Strasbourg on 13–14 September. The authors show that the improvement of macroeconomic toolkit goes hand in hand with the strengthening of fiscal frameworks and the tools for managing financial tensions. They propose several indicators in order to capture the variety of vulnerabilities observed in the industrialized countries since the recent great depression: funding needs, market perceptions risks, stress dependence among sovereigns and the reactions of governments to cope with these new challenges.

Market Microstructure and Nonlinear Dynamics - Keeping Financial Crisis in ContextBookGilles Dufrénot, Fredj Jawadi and Waël Louhichi (Eds.), 2014, 315 pages, Springer International Publishing, 2014

This book discusses market microstructure environment within the context of the global financial crisis and investigates the recent econometric tools toimprove financial markets dynamics in calm and turbulent times. In the first ...

Which of the real money gap or nominal money gap helped predict inflation in Europe? A retrospective analysisJournal articleGilles Dufrénot, Roselyne Joyeux and Anne Péguin-Feissolle, Banks and Bank Systems, Issue 3, pp. 91-102, 2014

The question examined in this paper is the following. Assuming that money played a role in the prediction of inflation, which of the nominal money gap or real money gap did the best job in the European countries? Answering this ques- tion helps us to compare the different strategies undertaken by the central banks in the countries that were members of the EMU. In the countries that participated in the Exchange rate mechanism (ERM) and then adopted the Euro, the policy preferences have been dominated by tacking monetary aggregates, while some non-euro countries preferred to focus on the direct effects of real money growth. The authors use panel data econometrics allowing for heterogeneous short-run and long-run dynamics among the countries. An important result is that the real money gap may be equally informative about future inflation. This plays against the dominant view of a quantitative theory approach of inflation in Europe.

Anticipated Macroeconomic Fundamentals, Sovereign Spreads and Regime-Switching: The Case of the Euro AreaBook chapterGilles Dufrénot, Olivier Damette and Philippe Frouté, In: Market Microstructure and Nonlinear Dynamics, Gilles Dufrénot, Fredj Jawadi and Waël Louhichi (Eds.), 2014, pp. 205-234, Springer International Publishing, 2014

This paper provides evidence that forecasts in macroeconomic fundamentals can drive the changes observed in the sovereign bond spreads in a nonlinear fashion. More specifically, the impact of the anticipated macroeconomic variables on sovereign spreads depends upon the global conditions prevailing in the financial markets (appetite for risk, market liquidity, health of the banking sector). We use a nonlinear model of sovereign spreads, namely a time-varying probability Markov-switching model. The paper adds to the empirical literature by documenting that the strength with which changes in market expectations of economic fundamentals are factored in the determination of the Euro area bond market spreads is regime-dependent. Such dependence implies multiple “equilibrium relationships” between spreads and macroeconomic variables, and switches between the equilibria. We contribute to the literature by first proposing a simple analytical model in which some sources of regime switches are described. In particular, spreads are affected by the investors’ perceived probability of default on debt servicing by governments and this probability varies across time because investors anticipate the future outcome of macroeconomic fundamentals influencing sovereign debts. We then consider a reduced-form of the analytical model to illustrate the empirical performance of time-varying Markov-switching model in describing the experience of the euro area spread between 2003 and 2009.

Anticipated Macroeconomic Fundamentals, Sovereign Spreads and Regime-Switching: The Case of the Euro AreaBook chapterGilles Dufrénot, Olivier Damette and Philippe Frouté, In: Market Microstructure and Nonlinear Dynamics, Gilles Dufrénot, Fredj Jawadi and Waël Louhichi (Eds.), 2014, pp. 205-234, Springer International Publishing, 2014

This paper provides evidence that forecasts in macroeconomic fundamentals can drive the changes observed in the sovereign bond spreads in a nonlinear fashion. More specifically, the impact of the anticipated macroeconomic variables on sovereign spreads depends upon the global conditions prevailing in the financial markets (appetite for risk, market liquidity, health of the banking sector). We use a nonlinear model of sovereign spreads, namely a time-varying probability Markov-switching model. The paper adds to the empirical literature by documenting that the strength with which changes in market expectations of economic fundamentals are factored in the determination of the Euro area bond market spreads is regime-dependent. Such dependence implies multiple “equilibrium relationships” between spreads and macroeconomic variables, and switches between the equilibria. We contribute to the literature by first proposing a simple analytical model in which some sources of regime switches are described. In particular, spreads are affected by the investors’ perceived probability of default on debt servicing by governments and this probability varies across time because investors anticipate the future outcome of macroeconomic fundamentals influencing sovereign debts. We then consider a reduced-form of the analytical model to illustrate the empirical performance of time-varying Markov-switching model in describing the experience of the euro area spread between 2003 and 2009.