Maison de l'économie et de la gestion d'Aix
424 chemin du viaduc, CS80429
13097 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 2
This paper proposes a comparison of three nonlinear error-correction models to account for the asymmetric and slow adjustment dynamics of the Dollar-Sterling real exchange rate over a long period (1957-2002). We conclude that two NEC models adequately describe the nonlinear mean-reverting mechanism: smooth transition and rational polynomial NEC models.
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This paper uses the logistic smooth transition GARCH model to study the time-varying volatility of the USS?P 500 index. In the LSTGARCH specification, the parameters are function of some information variables that help capturing the conditional return volatility. Tests of standard GARCH models are provided. Forecast comparisons with the GJR model are proposed, showing an overwhelming predominance of the LSTGARCH model.
Our object is to study the adjustment process of five European exchange rates toward their fundamentals on the 1979-1999 period. We consider two approaches, namely nonlinear cointegration and fractional cointegration, in order to discriminate between nonlinear short memory and linear long memory adjustment dynamics. The persistent deviations observed between the French real exchange rate and its fundamentals can be explained by the presence of long memory in the adjustment process.Classification JEL : C22, F31.
The aim of this paper is to present recent contributions extending the classical concept of cointegration to non-linear cases. Thus, we look at a joint study of non-stationary and non-linear phenomena and offer a complete presentation of theoretical developments involving the concepts of integration, memory and non-linear cointegration. Within this framework we look at the methods available to express the non-linear cointegration concept: non-linear error correction models, tools developed from information theory and the concepts of mixed time series and time series with strong dependence. The article also gives a brief overview of empirical literature.
Grandmont [7] was among the first to study the possibility of self-sustaining cycles in the overlapping generations models. In his paper, the origin of these cycles is the conflict between the substitution effect and the income effect due to variations of relative prices. Grandmont’s approach has been criticized on empirical basis: income effects in the model are too large compared to their values in real life. Our paper, conversely, provides some theoretical arguments that explains why cyclical and complex paths cannot be ruled out. In this view, we examine the problem of endogenous fluctuations in pure exchange economies from the viewpoint of macroeconomic theories of consumption and saving.
Considerable works have been done on chaotic dynamics in the field of economic growth and dynamic macroeconomics (see Day and Gang [1], Day [2], Nishimura and Yano [3], Grandmont et al. [4]. The study of chaotic dynamics in economic growth has its root in a paper dating back from 1982 by Richard Day. Our purpose is to consider new aspects of this original contribution. Day’s [5] established the existence of a chaotic growth due to the presence of a ”pollution effect” in the capital stock accumulation process. Two aspects of his paper are under discussion here.
Cet article présente une étude empirique relative aux dynamiques non-linéaires sur données à haute fréquence. Les séries de cotation utilisées sont celles du Dollar contre le Mark sur le marché londonien durant l'année 1994. Nous montrons que le caractère leptokurtique et asymétrique des distributions peut s'expliquer par la présence de non-linéarités dans la moyenne ou dans la variance conditionnelle des taux de rendement. Nous utilisons le test KPSS et le test du bispectre qui paraissent bien adaptés à nos séries. La composante non-linéaire de la variance conditionnelle est décrite par des processus IGARCH avec loi de Student sur les résidus. Nous estimons en outre des modèles bilinéaires qui révèlent la présence de composantes non-linéaires dans la moyenne conditionnelle. This paper presents an empirical study of non-linear dynamics in high frequency data. We use quotations of the Dollar/Mark exchange rates on the London market during the year 1994. We show that lepto-kurtic and asymmetric distributions in several rates of return are due to the presence of stochastic nonlinearities in either the conditional variance or the conditional mean. Tests such as the KPSS for stationarity and the bispectrum for linearity perform well to our data. Two kinds of models are proposed to model both the volatility and the instability of exchange rates. We first estimate IGARCH processes with Student distributions for the residuals. We also build bilinear models to exhibit non-linear patterns in the conditional mean of the series.
No abstract is available for this item.