

On the optimal control of some parabolic partial differential equations arising in economicsJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Carmen Camacho and Giorgio Fabbri, Serdica Mathematical Journal, Volume 39, Issue 3-4, pp. 331-354, 2013

We review an emerging application field to parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs), that's economic growth theory. After a short presentation of concrete applications, we highlight the peculiarities of optimal control problems of parabolic PDEs with infinite time horizons. In particular, the heuristic application of the maximum principle to the latter leads to single out a serious ill-posedness problem, which is, in our view, a barrier to the use of parabolic PDEs in economic growth studies as the latter are interested in long-run asymptotic solutions, thus requiring the solution to infinite time horizon optimal control problems. Adapted dynamic programming methods are used to dig deeper into the identified ill-posedness issue.

Assessing Parfit’s Repugnant Conclusion within a canonical endogenous growth set-upJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine and Giorgio Fabbri, Journal of Population Economics, Volume 26, Issue 2, pp. 751-767, 2013

Parfit’s Repugnant Conclusion stipulates that under total utilitarianism, it might be optimal to choose increasing population size while consumption per capita goes to zero. We evaluate this claim within a canonical AK model with endogenous population size and a reduced form relationship between demographic and economic growth. First we characterize the optimal solution paths for any capital dilution function. Second, we prove that while the Repugnant Conclusion can never occur for realistic values of intertemporal substitution in the traditional linear dilution model, it does occur when population growth is linked to economic growth via an inverted U-shaped relationship. Copyright Springer-Verlag 2013

Optimal regime switching and threshold effectsJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Aude Pommeret and Fabien Prieur, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 37, Issue 12, pp. 2979-2997, 2013

We consider a general control problem with two types of optimal regime switch. The first one concerns technological and/or institutional regimes indexed by a finite number of discrete parameter values, and the second features regimes relying on given threshold values for given state variables. We propose a general optimal control framework allowing to derive the first-order optimality conditions and in particular to characterize the geometry of the shadow prices at optimal switching times (if any). We apply this new optimal control material to address the problem of the optimal management of natural resources under ecological irreversibility, and with the possibility to switch to a backstop technology.

Spatial dynamics and convergence: The spatial AK modelJournal articleCarmen Camacho, Raouf Boucekkine and Giorgio Fabbri, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 148, Issue 6, pp. 2719-2736, 2013

We study the optimal dynamics of an AK economy where population is uniformly distributed along the unit circle. Locations only differ in initial capital endowments. Spatio-temporal capital dynamics are described by a parabolic partial differential equation. The application of the maximum principle leads to necessary but non-sufficient first-order conditions. Thanks to the linearity of the production technology and the special spatial setting considered, the value function of the problem is found explicitly, and the (unique) optimal control is identified in feedback form. Despite constant returns to capital, we prove that the spatio-temporal dynamics, induced by the willingness of the planner to give the same (detrended) consumption over space and time, lead to convergence in the level of capital across locations in the long-run.

On the Optimal Control of the Vintage Capital Growth Model with Endogenous Labour SupplyJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Natali Hritonenko and Yuri Yatsenko, Mathematical Economics Letters, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 3-7, 2013

We prove that the introduction of endogenous indivisible labor supply into the vintage capital growth model does not rule out the turnpike and optimal permanent regime properties, notably the non-monotonicity properties of optimal paths, inherent in this model.

Growth vs. level effect of population change on economic development: An inspection into human-capital-related mechanismsJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Blanca Martínez and José Ramón Ruiz-Tamarit, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 49, Issue 4, pp. 312-334, 2013

This paper studies the different mechanisms and the dynamics through which demography is channeled to the economy. We analyze the role of demographic changes in the economic development process by studying the transitional and the long-run impact of both the rate of population growth and the initial population size on the levels of per capita human capital and income. We do that in an enlarged Lucas–Uzawa model with intergenerational altruism. In contrast to the existing theoretical literature, the long-run level effects of demographic changes, i.e. their impact on the levels of the variables along the balanced growth path, are deeply characterized in addition to the more standard long-run growth effects. We prove that the level effect of the population rate of growth is non-negative (positive in the empirically most relevant case) for the average level of human capital, but a priori ambiguous for the level of per capita income due to the interaction of three transmission mechanisms of demographic shocks, a standard one (dilution) and two non-standard (altruism and human capital accumulation). Overall, the sign of the level effects of population growth depends on preference and technology parameters, but numerically we show that the joint negative effect of dilution and altruism is always stronger than the induced positive human capital effect. The growth effect of population growth depends basically on the attitude to intergenerational altruism and intertemporal substitution. Moreover, we also prove that the long-run level effects of population size on per capita human capital and income may be negative, nil, or positive, depending on the relationship between preferences and technology, while its growth effect is zero. Finally, we show that the model is able to replicate complicated time relationships between economic and demographic changes. In particular, it entails a negative effect of population growth on per capita income, which dominates in the initial periods, and a positive effect which restores a positive correlation between population growth and economic performance in the long term.

On the optimal control of a linear neutral differential equation arising in economicsJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Patrick A. Pintus and Giorgio Fabbri, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Volume 33, Issue 5, pp. 511-530, 2012

In this paper, we apply two optimization methods to solve an optimal control problem of a linear neutral differential equation (NDE) arising in economics. The first one is a variational method, and the second follows a dynamic programming approach. Because of the infinite dimensionality of the NDE, the second method requires the reformulation of the latter as an ordinary differential equation in an appropriate abstract space. It is shown that the resulting Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation admits a closed-form solution, allowing for a much finer characterization of the optimal dynamics compared with the alternative variational method. The latter is clearly limited by the nontrivial nature of asymptotic analysis of NDEs. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Epidemics From the Economic Theory ViewpointJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Mathematical Population Studies, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 1-3, 2012

No abstract is available for this item.

Vintage capital and the diffusion of clean technologiesJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Théophile T. Azomahou and Phu Nguyen-Van, International Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 277-300, 2012

We develop a general equilibrium vintage capital model with energy-saving technological progress and an explicit energy sector to study the impact of investment subsidies on equilibrium investment and output. Energy and capital are assumed to be complementary in the production process. New machines are less energy consuming and scrapping is endogenous. Two polar market structures are considered for the energy market, free entry and natural monopoly. First, it is shown that investment subsidies may induce a larger equilibrium investment into cleaner technologies either under free entry or natural monopoly. However in the latter case, this happens if and only if the average cost is decreasing fast enough. Second, larger diffusion rates do not necessarily mean lower energy consumption at equilibrium, which may explain certain empirical observations

History’s a curse: leapfrogging, growth breaks and growth reversals under international borrowing without commitmentJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine and Patrick A. Pintus, Journal of Economic Growth, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 27-47, 2012

A simple open-economy AK model with collateral constraints accounts for growth breaks and growth-reversal episodes, during which countries face abrupt changes in their growth rate that may lead to either growth miracles or growth disasters. Absent commitment to investment by the borrowing country, imperfect contract enforcement leads to an informational lag such that the debt contracted upon today depends upon the past stock of capital. The no-commitment delay originates a history effect by which the richer a country has been in the past, the more it can borrow today. For (arbitrarily) small delays, the history effect offsets the growth benefits from international borrowing and dampens growth, and it leads to both leapfrogging in long-run levels and growth breaks. When large enough, the history effect originates growth reversals and we connect the latter to leapfrogging. Finally, we argue that the model accords with the reported evidence on changes in the growth rate at break dates. We also provide examples showing that leapfrogging and growth reversals may coexist, so that currently poor but fast-growing countries experiencing sharp growth reversals may end up, in the long-run, significantly richer than currently rich but declining countries.