Towards a new Capitalism in the 21th?

public events

Towards a new Capitalism in the 21th?

Michel Aglietta et Gilles Dufrénot
Only in french

Bibliothèque de l'Alcazar

Bibliothèque de l'Alcazar

58 cours Belsunce
13001 Marseille

Tuesday, January 21 2020| 2:00pm to 4:00pm



Capitalism is not a natural order. It unfolds over time, penetrating the history and culture of societies :  what are the forces that will drive capitalism in the 21st century ? 

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The conference focuses on the forces that will drive capitalism in the 21st century. We go beyond the traditional views of economic theory. Capitalism is not a natural order. It unfolds over time, penetrating the history and culture of societies. On the other hand, Finance has always played a crucial role among the institutions that regulate the economies over long time periods.

The conference will present the new faces of a capitalism which is changing : the new financial cycle, secular stagnation and the new era of low inflation, the capitalocene (how the economy affects the geophysical cycles of nature), the criticisms to the hitherto dominant paradigm of market value in business strategies, new inter-generational solidarities.