Pre-entry and induction day for students


Pre-entry and induction day for students

Friday, September 1 2023| 8:30am to 5:00pm




A pre-entry and induction day for students enrolled in the "Magistère Ingénieur Economiste" and/or the "Master Economics" programs will take place on Friday, September 1st, 2023.

  • The morning will be dedicated to sports activities in groups: Pétanque Club du Pharo, Esplanade du Quinzième Corps, 13007 Marseille.
  • The afternoon to meetings with program coordinators: AMU/AMSE, Îlot Bernard du Bois, 5 boulevard Maurice Bourdet, 13001 Marseille.

Please check your emails and contact us if you haven't received your invitation.

Courses will start on Monday 4 September.

See you on Friday!


© Photo by Mirko on Adobe Stock