Martin Van der Linden

job market seminar

Martin Van der Linden

Vanderbilt University
Bounded rationality and the choice of jury selection procedures

VC Salle 205

Centre de la Vieille-Charité - Salle 205

Centre de la Vieille Charité
2 rue de la Charité
13002 Marseille

Tuesday, January 17 2017| 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa: cecilia.garcia-penalosa[at]


A peremptory challenge procedure allows the parties to a jury trial to dismiss some prospective jurors without justification. Complex challenge procedures offer unfair advantage to parties who are better able to strategize. I introduce a new measure of strategic complexity based on “level-k” thinking and use this measure to compare challenge procedures commonly used in practice. In applying this measure, I overturn some commonly held beliefs about which jury selection procedures are “strategically simple”.