Justin Leroux
IBD Salle 16
5-9 boulevard Maurice Bourdet
13001 Marseille
Mathieu Faure: mathieu.faure[at]univ-amu.fr
Gaëtan Fournier: gaetan.fournier[at]univ-amu.fr
When a realized cost or gain is the result of decisions made before uncertainty was resolved, the outcome can only be partly attributed to those decisions, the rest happening by chance. The ex post fair division of costs or gains must reflect this fact, and must therefore make use of the information that was available ex ante, at the time when decisions were made. We characterize families of sharing rules that differ in how they shield agents from `moral luck' and in how consistent they are with respect to the arrival of new information. Distinguishing between these families of rules has policy implications for many social and economic issues, such as drunk driving and climate change.