Claire Alestra, Bertille Picard
IBD Salle 15
5-9 boulevard Maurice Bourdet
13001 Marseille
Julieta Peveri: julieta.peveri[at]
Bertille Picard: bertille.picard[at]
Mathias Silva: mathias.silva-vazquez[at]
For the first Empirical & Econometric Methods Session of the year, two softwares will be presented:
- Rshiny, an R package that allows you to create interactive web applications. Claire Alestra who wrote her own Shiny application will present the basics of Rshiny and the possibilities of this package.
- GitHub, a web hosting service useful to develop programs with several co-authors. It also makes it very simple to distribute the code and its updates online. Bertille Picard will present some notions of project management with git. An example in R with the package renv will come as an illustration.