Public Outreach

At the interface between academic research and society, AMSE disseminates economic knowledge to non-academic audiences by:
- making the results of research accessible to everyone through its digital journal, Dialogues économiques, which publishes articles, videos and infographics,
- organizing outreach events (conferences, festivals, exhibitions),
- supporting researchers to contributing to the public debate (journalistic writing, press relations).
  • Press
  • Interview

« Travestir les chiffres est la marque de fabrique des populistes »

Only in French | An interview of Alain Trannoy (EHESS/AMSE) published by Le Point.
June 21st 2024
  • Dialogues économiques

At what cost? Calculating the impact of climate change – today and tomorrow

Mostly unknown outside academic circles, the social discount rate (SDR) is vital for understanding the value of infrastructure investments far into the future. But if that’s especially relevant in a world threatened by climate change, governments and economists have long argued exactly what discount rate to use, or if a fixed rate is even necessary. Economists Christian Gollier, Frederick van der Ploeg and Jiakun Zheng recently developed a major survey to gauge opinion on the SDR across their profession. Between the theoretical importance of project-specific discount rates, and a reluctance to tweak rates in practice, their findings are worth exploring – especially once you consider the need to expand the debate beyond economics.
Reference: Gollier C, van der Ploeg F., Zheng J., 2023, «The Discounting Premium Puzzle: Survey Evidence from Professional Economists» Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 122 (October): 102882.
June 19th 2024
  • Dialogues économiques

Building your identity on a minefield

Can mining influence the way in which we identify ourselves? According to economists Nicolas Berman, Mathieu Couttenier and Victoire Girard, mining in Africa may intensify feelings of ethnic belonging, by generating feelings of deprivation among the local population. Mining could therefore help explain ethnic fragmentation and certain conflicts observed in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Reference: Berman N., Couttenier M., Girard V., 2023, « Mineral Resources and the Salience of Ethnic Identities ». Social Choice and Welfare. The Economic Journal, Volume 133, Issue 653, 1705–1737.
June 05th 2024
  • Press
  • Op-Ed

Les bénéfices écologiques d'une économie punitive

Only in French - Op-ed article by Alain Trannoy (EHESS / AMSE) published by Les Echos
May 30th 2024
  • Press

Interview of Fanny Henriet

Only in French | Fanny Henriet (CNRS / AMSE) nominated for the Prix du meilleur jeune économiste 2024, which rewards excellence in research and its contribution to public debate.
May 28th 2024
  • Dialogues économiques

How can we assess the impact of deliberation on people's votes?

Consensus conferences, citizens' assemblies, neighbourhood councils, etc. Since the 1980s, deliberation has emerged as a response to the crisis of democracy. But how do you measure its value and impact? For the first time, a team of researchers has studied the role of the tools used to gather participants' opinions.
May 22nd 2024
  • Press

Podcast interview with Frédéric Deroïan

Only in French | Interview with Frédéric Deroïan (CNRS / AMSE) on Radio Grenouille.
May 20th 2024
  • Dialogues économiques

How can technology help limit climate change?

At a time when "carbon neutrality" is the central theme of international climate conferences, a team of economists is studying ways that could make this goal a reality.
Reference: Alestra C., Cette, G., Chouard V., Lecat R. (2023) "How can technology significantly contribute to climate change mitigation?" Applied Economics. 1-13
May 07th 2024
  • Press
  • Op-Ed

« Après l’élection présidentielle au Sénégal, les remises en cause du franc CFA dessinent trois scénarios possibles »

Only in French | An op-ed published by Le Monde written by Gilles Dufrénot (Sciences Po Aix/AMSE)
May 02nd 2024
  • Dialogues économiques

Gender inequality: pay gaps also exist between companies

In Europe, the pay gap between men and women has halved since the end of the 1990s. However, over the last few years this trend has not continued. A team of researchers in economics has shown that pay differences between companies largely explain these inequalities.
Reference: Hennig J.-L., Stadler B., 2023, « Firm-specific pay premiums and the gender wage gap in Europe ». Economica, 90 (359), 911‑936.
April 24th 2024