Public Outreach

At the interface between academic research and society, AMSE disseminates economic knowledge to non-academic audiences by:
- making the results of research accessible to everyone through its digital journal, Dialogues économiques, which publishes articles, videos and infographics,
- organizing outreach events (conferences, festivals, exhibitions),
- supporting researchers to contributing to the public debate (journalistic writing, press relations).
  • Press
  • Op-Ed

« S’il reste intéressant de nationaliser TotalEnergies pour mieux maîtriser la décarbonation, il paraît encore plus pertinent de taxer ses superprofits »

Only in French | An op-ed published by Le Monde written by four researchers, including Fanny Henriet (CNRS/AMSE)
April 22nd 2024
  • Press

70 years of VAT: "It's a tax that hits the poorest households"

Alain Trannoy (EHESS / AMSE) was the guest on Franceinfo public radio's "L'invité éco" program.
April 12th 2024
  • Lectures

Film screening and discussion - "Los delincuentes" (2024)

Discussion moderated by the researcher Miriam Teschl (EHESS/AMSE), who is co-chairing the 2024 edition of the Aller Savoir festival organised by the EHESS.
April 11th 2024
  • Dialogues économiques

Are we all equal when it comes to weight?

Using a novel approach applied to the populations of France, the United Kingdom and the United States, economists explore inequalities in Body Mass Index and highlight a disparity between men and women.
Reference: Bennia F., Gravel N., Magdalou B., Moyes P., 2022, « Is body weight better distributed among men than among women? A robust normative analysis for France, the UK, and the US ». The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 124 (1), 69 — 103.
April 03rd 2024
  • Press

NGOs: businesses of donations

Nathalie Ferrière (Sciences Po Aix / AMSE) was a guest on the radio programme "Entendez-vous l'éco" on France Culture, which produced a series of episodes on the economics of humanitarian aid.
April 03rd 2024
  • Press
  • Op-Ed

"A general increase in major taxes such as VAT or income tax would be a monumental mistake".

Only in French - Op-ed article by Alain Trannoy (EHESS / AMSE) published by Le Monde
March 29th 2024
  • Expertise

Social mobility: what if we banked on human capital?

Stéphane Benveniste (INED / AMSE) took part in a discussion organised by the Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique (IGPDE), in partnership with the Conseil d'analyse économique.
March 28th 2024
  • Dialogues économiques

America's major cities: creating job inequalities

Large American cities are experiencing labor market polarization, characterized by a simultaneous increase in the employment share of both high-skilled and low-skilled jobs. Economists Fabio Cerina, Elisa Dienesch, Alessio Moro, and Michelle Rendal propose that this phenomenon can be attributed to technology shocks that enhance the productivity of highly skilled workers. As these skilled workers increase their participation in the labor market, they also intensify their consumption of personal services, thus generating greater demand for low-skilled jobs.
Reference: Cerina F., Dienesch E., Moro A., Rendall M., 2023, « Spatial Polarisation ». The Economic Journal, 133(649), 30-69.
March 28th 2024
  • Dialogues économiques

Love is in the park: parents' marital preferences in China

In China, parents play a major role in finding a spouse for their children. Economists have studied parental preferences and how they match the wishes of their offspring.
Reference: Raiber E., Ren W., Bovet,J., Seabright, P., Wang C., 2023, « What Do Parents Want? Parental Spousal Preferences in China ». Economic Development and Cultural Change, 71(3), 903 939.
March 13th 2024
  • Videos

'Videos EchoScientifiques' : Monsieur Phi & Nicolas Gravel

Only in French - The YouTube video maker Monsieur Phi and the researcher Nicolas Gravel (AMU, AMSE) talked about moral choices in economics.
March 12th 2024