

Do foreign MNEs alleviate multidimensional poverty in developing countries?Journal articleJulien Hanoteau, Eurasian Business Review, Volume 13, Issue 4, pp. 719-749, 2023

This study investigates the effects of the investment-based presence of multinational enterprises (MNEs) on poverty in developing countries. The relationship is decomposed into different pathways corresponding to various facets of firms’ presence and activities, and monetary and multidimensional poverty. We hypothesize that depending on the pathways, the effects can be positive or negative in terms of poverty alleviation, and an overall conclusion has to be nuanced. The hypotheses are tested across 431 Indonesian administrative districts, observed in 2008, 2014 and 2018. Pooled instrumental variable regressions show that a higher presence of foreign MNEs does not reduce the number of people below the poverty line. It raises the depth and severity of poverty, and the population is also more exposed to pollutions. These results inform the ongoing debate, and offer important implications for policy makers eager to attract foreign direct investments, as well as for MNEs’ managers concerned with social responsibility and achieving sustainable development goals in host developing countries.

E-procurement and firm corruption to secure public contracts: The moderating role of governance institutions and supranational supportJournal articleAlfredo Jiménez, Julien Hanoteau et Ralf Barkemeyer, Journal of Business Research, Volume 149, pp. 640-650, 2022

This paper investigates the effects of e-procurement on firm corruption to secure public contracts, highlighting the moderating roles of the quality of governance institutions and supranational support in that relationship. Taking transaction cost economics as our theoretical lens, and building on a sample of 8,373 firms in 72 countries from 2008 to 2019, we find that the adoption of an e-procurement system in fact reduces firm corruption. However, this effect is only unveiled once one accounts in the analysis for the quality of country-level governance institutions, which also makes the relationship stronger. We also find an e-procurement system only to effectively address firm corruption when it benefits from supranational support. The study contributes to the ongoing academic debate on the impact of digitalization on corruption.

Financial Resilience: A Way Forward Towards Economic Development in Developing CountriesJournal articleFanny Salignac, Julien Hanoteau et Ioana Ramia, Social Indicators Research, Volume 160, Issue 1, pp. 1-33, 2022

Financial inclusion is a policy priority in both developed and developing countries. Yet almost one in four people remain financially excluded around the globe, with the vast majority living in the developing world. In this paper, we argue that financial resilience: an individual’s ability to function effectively in adverse financial situations, can better help us assist people to cope with financial adversity, develop effective policy and, ultimately, improve economic development. This paper builds on an existing financial resilience measurement framework and adapts it to develop a measure appropriate to the context of developing countries. Indonesia, where one in three people are financially excluded, is used as a case country from which to draw conclusions. We use the Indonesia Family Life Survey and put forward the country’s first snapshot of financial resilience. Implications for research and policy are presented.

Does social capital reduce entrepreneurs' petty corruption? Evidence across Indonesian regionsJournal articleJulien Hanoteau, Gandhi Pawitan et Virginie Vial, Papers in Regional Science, Volume 100, Issue 3, pp. 651-670, 2021

Petty corruption is a barrier to entrepreneurship in emerging countries, justifying to investigate its determinants. Using data on 1,240 entrepreneurs across Indonesian regions, we analyse the effects of social capital. Two-evel ordered probit regressions show that weak-ties discourage entrepreneurs' bribing, strong-ties encourage it, whereas this latter effect is moderated by the quality of access to formal credit. Bribing banks or turning to relatives for external funding are alternative solutions for entrepreneurs facing poor access to formal credit, a common feature in emerging countries, and the second solution is preferred given the risk and psychological costs of corruption.

Institutional quality, conforming and evasive entrepreneurshipJournal articleJulien Hanoteau et Virginie Vial, Eurasian Business Review, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp. 97-121, 2020

In this article, we unpack Baumol’s (J Polit Econ 98(5):893–921, 1990) theory of entrepreneurship’s outcomes (productive, unproductive, and destructive) in a framework of failing institutions, considering that entrepreneurship is instead first characterized by two non-mutually exclusive types of behavior (conforming versus evasive). We hypothesize that the evasive activity (firm-level corruption) is undertaken as a second-best response to poor institutional quality, supporting the conforming activity. Using instrumental variable panel regression in the context of Indonesia, we evidence the mediating effect of bribing on the relation between local institutional quality and new business density, thus unveiling the real effect of institutional quality on entrepreneurship.

Impacts of the Québec carbon emissions trading scheme on plant-level performance and employmentJournal articleJulien Hanoteau et David Talbot, Carbon Management, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp. 287-298, 2019

In 2013, Québec implemented a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions trading system (QC ETS), despite opposition from industry, which feared loss of competitiveness and warned about job destruction. This article assesses the impact of that carbon regulation on industrial facilities in Québec. Conditional difference-in-differences ordinary least squares regressions show that regulated plants reduced their GHG emissions by about 9.8%, employment by about 6.8% and carbon intensity by about 3.7% more compared to non-regulated plants in the rest of Canada during the period 2013–2015. This suggests that facilities adapted to the new program by improving their technology, but first and foremost by scaling down their activity, which raises questions about the ability of the QC ETS to induce enough environmental investment and innovation in industrial facilities. The results, in terms of employment effects, contrast with the findings of similar studies on the early stages of the European ETS and the British Columbia carbon tax scheme, and this information challenges the initial allocation scheme for permits, in particular, with a view to a green fiscal reform.

Information technologies and entrepreneurshipJournal articleJulien Hanoteau et Jean-Jacques Rosa, Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp. 200-212, 2019

This article shows how the increase of information availability due to new technologies positively affects aggregate entrepreneurship in national economies. We rely on an “occupational choice” model of managerial production, extended to include the managerial use of information, to explain variations in the number of entrepreneurs, and thus of firms, as measured by the aggregate new business creation data. We present evidence that supports such a theory of industrial organization dynamics for a sample of 78 economies over the period 2004–2012 using panel data instrumental variable regressions.

Returns to Micro-Entrepreneurship in an Emerging Economy: A Quantile Study of Entrepreneurial Indonesian Households’ WelfareJournal articleVirginie Vial et Julien Hanoteau, World Development, Volume 74, Issue C, pp. 142-157, 2015

Presenting low individual returns, but providing households with livelihoods and means to cope with economic vulnerability, micro-entrepreneurship’s evaluation should include both context and heterogeneity. Using a four-wave panel of 9,157 Indonesian households, this study proposes a quantile estimation of micro-entrepreneurship’s effects on four household-level complementary measures of welfare – income, consumption, household, and total assets. It evidences substantial positive but decreasing effects on the four measures, with the highest relative returns for the poorest. For this category, micro-entrepreneurship primarily provides returns in the form of income, translating into higher relative consumption, but more importantly, into a greater relative assets accumulation.

Lobbying for carbon permits in EuropeJournal articleJulien Hanoteau, Recherches économiques de Louvain, Volume 80, Issue 1, pp. 61-87, 2014

Using cross-sector and cross-country data, this paper evidences that rent seeking influenced the allocation of CO 2 emission permits in the two first phases of the European emissions trading scheme. Industry lobbies effectively used the ?job loss? and ?competitiveness? arguments, as unemployment proxy variables significantly impacted the allocation in both phases, and carbon intensity influenced it in the second phase. The countries that adopted a partial auction scheme also gave relatively more permits and in particular to the politically more powerful sectors. This suggests a compensation mechanism and supports the assumption of a political tradeoff between the quantity of permits issued and the decision between free grant and auction. It also confirms that the initial allocation is not neutral in the presence of special interest lobbying. JEL Classification: D72, Q58, C10.

The Shrinking Hand: Why Information Technology Leads to Smaller FirmsJournal articleJulien Hanoteau et Jean-Jacques Rosa, International Journal of the Economics of Business, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 285-314, 2012

We explain the firm downsizing trend of the recent decades by the new abundance of information – the ICT revolution. Production processes differ in their information requirements: while decentralized production by means of market exchanges is information intensive, less information per unit of output is needed in the hierarchically integrated production of firms, and the information/output ratio is decreasing firm size. We formulate a quantity of information theory of the firm embodying these differences and derive a Coase–Rybczinski effect for the aggregate economy, which predicts a decreasing employment share of large firms and an increasing share of small ones when the aggregate quantity of information increases Panel data regressions and other evidence provide support for this hypothesis.