Xingwang Qian

Séminaires interdisciplinaires
finance seminar

Xingwang Qian

Buffalo State College
International reserve management, global financial shocks, and firms’ investment in emerging market economies
Co-écrit avec
Joshua Aizenman, Yin-Wong Cheung
à distance
Mardi 11 janvier 2022| 14:30

Eric Girardin : eric.girardin[at]
Christelle Lecourt : christelle.lecourt[at]


We examine the effects of active international reserve management (IRM) conducted by central banks of emerging market economies (EMEs) on firm investment in the presence of global financial shocks. Using firm level data from 46 EMEs from 2000 to 2018, we document four findings. First, active IRM positively affects firm investment - the effect strengthens with the magnitude of adverse external financial shocks. Second, financially constrained firms, compared with unconstrained ones, are less responsive to active IRM. Third, our results suggest that the country credit spread is a plausible causal channel of the positive IRM effect on firm investment. Fourth, the policies of capital controls and exchange rate managements are complementary to the IRM – it is beneficial to form a macro policy mix including active IRM to safeguard firm investment against global financial shocks. Further, our results indicate the IRM effect on firm investment is both statistical and economical significance and is relevant to the aggregate economy.

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- ID de réunion : 988 6740 6876
- Code secret : 1zQp87