Séminaire candidatures CNRS
VC Salle 205
Centre de la Vieille Charité
2 rue de la Charité
13002 Marseille
Sébastien Laurent : sebastien.laurent[at]univ-amu.fr
Thomas Muller, Université Catholique de Louvain
The temperature of the brain
Hélène Couprie, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, THéMA
Atypical employment and prospects of the youth on the labor market in a crisis context, co-écrit avec Xavier Joutard
We compare the entrance trajectories of two cohorts of young people into the labor market seven years after leaving the French educational system. We focus our analysis on the employment consequences of atypical employment spells, i.e. part time and temporary work contracts using a Markovian model of labor market transitions with fixed effects. We then elaborate a dif-in-dif estimation in order to identify the specific impact of the Great Recession on the structural dynamics of the model. We estimate the stepping-stone effect of atypical employment towards the employment norm of full-time open-ended contract, its evolution, and identify the impact of the Great Recession on various segments of the population. We find, in particular, evidence of the great impact of heterogeneity and labor market polarization in the results. Unintended positive effects of the Great Recession on the trajectory of some young people, especially men transiting through temporary employment spells, is also brought to light.