A Post-Pandemic Growth Strategy for Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries


A Post-Pandemic Growth Strategy for Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries

Towards Sustainable Development Models in a post-covid Mediterranean: AMSE-CMI Knowledge and Policy Dialogues (in English only)
à distance
Mardi 14 décembre 2021| 18:00 - 20:00

Elisabeth Barthélemy : elisabeth.barthelemy[at]univ-amu.fr



The Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI), Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) and The Growth Dialogue invite you to a high-level event on "A Post-Pandemic Growth Strategy for Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries". 

The global pandemic has prompted a re-examination of existing development strategies for growth and development. As we continue with our current response and recovery strategy and plans, AMSE and CMI are convinced that only through collaboration and partnerships will our goals be fully achieved in the Mediterranean. Therefore the two institutions decided to join their forces and launch the AMSE-CMI Knowledge and Policy Dialogues on Sustainable Development Models. This series of events will provide a platform of dialogue between experts and policy/institutional stakeholders in order to rethink economic, social and environmental policies under a regional approach and to provide Sustainable Development models in the post-covid Mediterranean. 

For their first event, AMSE and CMI are honored to partner with The Growth Dialogue, a think-tank which seeks to inform, push the frontiers of policy experience, and be of practical use to countries pursuing economic growth objectives. The Growth Dialogue produced a new report for CMI titled "A Post-Pandemic Growth Strategy for Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries", the conclusions of which will be presented and discussed during the event.

Plus d'informations


18:00-18:10 : Opening by Blanca Moreno-Dodson (CMI, UNOPS) and by Patricia Augier (AMU, AMSE)

18:10-18:35 : Presentation of the CMI-Growth Dialogue report by Danny Leipziger (George Washington University, Growth Dialogue Institute) and Carl Dahlman (Growth Dialogue Institute)

18:35-18:45 : Intervention by Karim Al Aynaoui (Policy Center for New South) on rethinking economic and social public policies in times of Covid, providing a perspective from Morocco

18:45-18:55 : Intervention by Leila Baghdadi (ESSECT) on what steps to concretely take to increase opportunities for higher-value exports and greater trade integration, providing a perspective from Tunisia

18:55-19:05 : Intervention by Ragui Assaad (Hubert Humphrey School, University of Minnesota) on what could be done to raise skills, employability and inclusiveness in the region, providing a perspective from Egypt.

19:05-19:15 : Intervention by AMSE Mediterranean expert on the need for strengthening multilateral and regional cooperation

19:15-19:50 : Q&A session with the discussants

19:50-20:00 : Concluding remarks by Blanca Moreno-Dodson (CMI, UNOPS) and Patricia Augier (AMU, AMSE)

Moderator : Constantin Tsakas (CMI, UNOPS)