"While multilateral trade negotiations have stagnated and tensions between major players have surged, bilateral and regional agreements seem to have run away with the trade agenda. There are over 300 agreements today up from 50 in 1990. Most importantly, many of these agreements have extended their reach well beyond tariffs, aiming to achieve integration beyond trade, or “deep” integration.
This CEPR-World Bank eBook brings together leading experts in international trade from academia and policy institutions to provide new analysis on the determinants of deep trade agreements, how they affect trade and non-trade outcomes, and how they might shape trade relations in a post-COVID-19 world."
► Plus d'informations et un accès au eBook (en anglais) sur le site de Vox/CEPR
Coordinateurs du livre : Ana Fernandes, Nadia Rocha et Michele Ruta sont économistes à la Banque mondiale.
Le Chapitre 11, intitulé "Trade barriers in government procurement" a été écrit par:
- Alen Mulabdic économiste à la banque mondiale spécialiste de macroéconomie et du commerce
- Lorenzo Rotunno, enseignant chercheur à Aix-Marseille School of Economics qui s'intéresse particulièrement aux régulations des marchés et à la mondialisation.