Professional Integration: the numbers tell the story

  • Formation

Survey of employment six months after graduation conducted by AMSE among the graduates of October 2023. The indicators do not account for students who started a PhD after their master’s degree, nor those continuing their studies other than a doctorate.

The results of the latest survey conducted among graduates confirm their excellent professional integration. These indicators show that AMSE graduates are well prepared to enter the job market where their skills are recognised and appreciated by employers, as well as confirming the range of opportunities available to them.

Participation Rate: 77%

The participation rate for this survey, conducted among the 87 students who graduated from the AMSE master’s program in 2023, is 77%, ensuring the representativeness of the results and demonstrating the graduates’ commitment to tracking their professional paths.

Average Time to Employment: 25 days

The average time taken to secure a first job is less than a month, with an average of 25 days. This figure reflects the speed with which graduates find a position after obtaining their degree, indicating a strong job market demand for their skills.

Employment Rate at 6 Months: 81%

The professional integration rate of AMSE graduates six months after graduation is 81%. This percentage is very satisfactory and shows that the skills acquired meet the needs of employers. Notably, 66% of the graduates who participated in the survey were hired immediately after their internship or work-study program.

Percentage of Permanent Contracts (CDI): 73% Of the employed graduates, 73% have permanent contracts (CDI), compared to 27% with fixed-term Newsletter contracts (CDD). The predominance of permanent contracts is an indicator of stability and employer confidence in the graduates’ skills.

Average First Annual Gross Salary: €39,350

The average annual gross salary of graduates who responded to our survey is €39,350. This competitive figure reflects the jobs market’s recognition of the quality of AMSE training, as well as the potential for rapid salary progression for young graduates.

Percentage of Graduates Working Internationally: 17%

AMSE graduates are employed in Paris and the Paris region (37%), elsewhere in France (46%), and abroad (17%), illustrating the international reach of their training.


AMSE’s programs lead to high-potential jobs. The employment sectors that graduates can enter are varied, with a strong presence in Finance/Banking/ Insurance (23%), Consulting/Design Offices/Survey Institutes (15%), Digital/Data/Technology (11%), Energy/Transport/Environment (13%), and Public Administration/Organizations/Research (6%).

Range of Professions

The survey highlights the positions held by graduates: Data Scientist, Strategic Marketing Manager, Project Manager, Data Analyst, Junior Consultant, Macroeconomics Analyst, Finance Operations Manager, Data Engineer, Data Consultant, Quantitative Analyst, Analytics Consultant, Actuarial Study Officer, Research Assistant, Insurance Controller, Commercial Performance Analyst, Insurance Linked Securities (ILS) Analyst, Design Office Consultant…

Rapid Integration

The professional integration of AMSE graduates is marked by positive outcomes in terms of speed of employment, contract stability, and competitive remuneration. These results are the fruit of a pedagogy tailored to the demands of the job market, ensuring graduates a smooth and successful transition to the professional world. The survey thus illustrates the relevance and quality of AMSE’s programs, enhancing its reputation and attractiveness to future students and employers.

Alumni Talk

Capucine Roquart who graduated in October 2023 - Master Economics track Economic Policy Analyses and Magistère Ingénieur Economiste

«I am a Data Analyst with Groupama Méditerranée, an insurance company, where I am mainly responsible for sales management and variable pay for the sales staff of the regional insurance company Groupama Méditerranée.

This is my first job. I was hired immediately after my work-study placement, and they created a position to keep me on a permanent contract.

I have several assignments. The first is to work on code programmes. I use the R programming language to set the parameters for variable pay. We compare data tables to obtain different types of information, to export files. But other responsibilities involve providing data analysis, i.e. a "Data" perspective on projects not necessarily focused on data alone, which requires cross-disciplinary perspective.

The fact that AMSE offers both theoretical and empirical economics as well as this whole "Data Science" aspect is very enriching. And today, I am very happy because I can really combine two complementary approaches in my work. However, not all schools offer Big Data and Economics at the same time. So, it was a good compromise, and showed a determination to keep enriching the curricula with knowledge and skills that take account of future developments, and which therefore will help us on the job market.»

Watch the full interview with Capucine on YouTube @AMSEChannel


→ This article was issued in AMSE Newletter, Summer 2024.