
  • PhD
  • Success

Thesis defence, Elie Vidal-Naquet

Congratulations Elie Vidal-Naquet for having successfully defending your PhD thesis at Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) under the direction of Christian Schluter.
December 19th 2023
  • PhD
  • Success

Thesis defence, Bertille Picard

Congratulations Bertille Picard for having successfully defending your PhD thesis at Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) under the direction of Emmanuel Flachaire.
December 14th 2023
  • Event

5th AMSE Summer School

The next AMSE Summer School is entitled "Discounting, risk and the environment" and will take place from 10 to 12 June 2024. Applications are open.
December 12th 2023
  • Event

AMSE in the final of the DRiM Game 2023

Three AMSE students have reached the finals of the DRiM Game 2023 organized by the teams of Deloitte, SFIL, Groupe Crédit Agricole, RCI Bank and Services, and SAS.

December 08th 2023
  • Education

Exchange program with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

As part of CIVIS, Nastasia CELLIER, Giovanni DOMINGO-MARCELLIN and Betsy-Jakelin LAINES-MEDINA, three students in the first year of the Master Economics, took part in a week-long exchange program with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
November 15th 2023