Public Outreach

At the interface between academic research and society, AMSE disseminates economic knowledge to non-academic audiences by:
- making the results of research accessible to everyone through its digital journal, Dialogues économiques, which publishes articles, videos and infographics,
- organizing outreach events (conferences, festivals, exhibitions),
- supporting researchers to contributing to the public debate (journalistic writing, press relations).
  • Dialogues économiques

The Schoolbag Revolution: Educating for Democracy

Are the foundations of democracy always laid in the midst of civil disobedience? Most democratic transitions in the last century have not, in fact, been the result of a peoples’ revolt. When it is in their own interests, authoritarian elites have been known to cede power without witnessing an insurrection. The economists Raouf Boucekkine, Paolo G. Piacquadio and Fabien Prieur interrogate the conditions necessary for peaceful transfer of power, by highlighting how education can lay fertile ground for the seeds of democracy.
Reference: Boucekkine R., Piacquadio P. G., Prieur F., 2019, "A Lipsetian theory of voluntary power handover," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 168(C), 269-291
July 22nd 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

The Value of Coralligenous Habitats

What do we know about nature? Not a whole lot. According to estimates from the French National Museum of Natural History, we have identified between 1% and 10% of the species on Earth. Marine ecosystems have been greatly damaged from being exploited for our wants and needs, though we still know very little about them and the role they play. Whether it is for biology or economics, we should be diving deep into how these habitats are important on both a large and small scale. This is what Laure Thierry de Ville d’Avray, Dominique Ami, Anne Chenuil, Romain David, and Jean-Pierre Féral have demonstrated by studying a little-known Mediterranean habitat known as ‘coralligene.’
Reference: Thierry de Ville d’Avray L., Ami D., Chenuil A., David R., Féral J-P., 2019, « Application of the ecosystem service concept at a small scale : The case of coralligenous habitats in the North-western Mediterranean Sea », Marine Pollution Bulletin, 138, 160
July 08th 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

Overfishing: How Can It Be Regulated?

In order to maintain marine biodiversity, it is better to take the plunge and adopt fishing regulations than do nothing at all. However, the biological relationship between species must be considered to prevent things from going down the drain. Economists Nicolas Quérou and Agnes Tomini demonstrate this argument by studying the effects of fishing regulations in suboptimal situations.
Reference: Quérou N., Tomini A., 2018, « Marine ecosystem considerations and second-best management », Environmental & Resource Economics, 70 (2), 381-401
June 24th 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

Can the Central Bank still play the hero in the face of current and future debt?

How will we face the economic crisis that is awaiting us? History can give some insight. Since the financial crisis of 2008, industrialised states have been required to rely on the 'superpowers' of the Central Banks to buy back part of their debt, thereby avoiding the phenomenon of debt strangulation. Such practices have raised fears of a return to inflation, and of a threat to the independence of the monetary authorities. However, in the current context such practices can be beneficial, according to economists Gilles Dufrénot, Fredj Jawadi and Guillaume A. Khayat.
Reference: Dufrénot G., Jawadi F., Khayat G.A., 2018, "A model of fiscal dominance under the “Reinhart Conjecture”," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 93(C), 332-345
June 10th 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

What strategy should be employed to deal with COVID?

Are the containment measures effective? Should the population have been tested? Burning questions like this are igniting current public debate. Researchers Raouf Boucekkine (AMSE), Josselin Thuilliez (CNRS / PSE) and Jérôme Adda (Bocconi, Milan) have developed the “ECOVID-19” project, to respond to and assess the effectiveness of French public policy in the face of the current crisis.
Reference: Boucekkine R., Laffargue J-P., 2010, "On the distributional consequences of epidemics," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, 34(2), 231-245 (inter alia)
May 27th 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

Immigrants and Citizens: Equal in Health?

Even if immigrants arriving in Europe are in better health than native-born citizens, residing in their host country affects them much more negatively. According to Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Simon Combes, and Mohammad Abu-Zaineh, immigrants’ health deteriorates with the length of residence in the host country. Does discrimination go beyond the realm of social status to even impact health?
Reference: Bousmah M.-a.-Q., Combes J.-B.S., Abu-Zaineh M, 2019, “Health differentials between citizens and immigrants in Europe: A heterogeneous convergence”, Health Policy, 123(2), 235-243
May 13th 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

Decisions in Periods of Uncertainty, Fear, and Catastrophe

One of the things which led to Covid-19 becoming a catastrophic situation has revealed to be the choices that were made before the pandemic. Regardless of whether these choices were good or not, they were nevertheless made. This therefore leads to the question of how catastrophes influence decision-making in uncertain situations. Theories are able to clearly explain our choices when we have all the elements in hand. However, once exceptional situations occur, such as catastrophes that have disastrous yet very unlikely consequences, these theories reveal to be less pertinent.
Reference: Chanel O., Chichilnisky G., 2009, "The influence of fear in decisions: Experimental evidence," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 39(3), 271-298.
April 29th 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

Migration, an issue beyond borders

Hidden behind the migrant are the shortcomings of a coercive state system that has little respect for Human Rights and individual dignity. Readmission has implications going far beyond the migration realm. Jean-Pierre Cassarino draws a parallel between the increasing regulation of migration policies and the gradual deregulation of the labor market.
Reference: Cassarino, Jean Pierre, (2014), « A Reappraisal of the EU’s Expanding Readmission System », The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs, 49:4, 130-145. Cassarino, Jean-Pierre, (2015),« Relire le lien entre migration de retour et
April 15th 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

The glass ceiling in Academia: when women hurt their career success

Why are there so few women at the top of the academic career ladder? Recent research by Clément Bosquet, Pierre-Philippe Combes, and Cecilia García-Peñalosa using data for academic economists in France shows that only 18% of those in the most senior positions are women, and that this is largely due to them not applying for such positions. This is not just a matter of discrimination: women hurt their own careers by not putting themselves forward for promotion.
Reference: Bosquet C., Combes P-P., García‐Peñalosa C., 2019, « Gender and Promotions: Evidence from Academic Economists in France », Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 121 (3), 1020-1053
April 01st 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

How Can the Spark Between Ecology and Economics be Rekindled?

In a world where climate change is a hot topic, enterprising countries must take initiative in implementing ambitious environmental policies. However, the cost of these policies hinders those that have been straddled with massive public debt since the 2008 financial crisis. So, how can economics and ecology be united? This is the question that is being examined by economists Mouez Fodha, Thomas Seegmuller, and Hiroaki Yamagami.
Reference: Fodha M. , Seegmuller T. , Yamagami H. , 2018, « Environmental Tax Reform under Debt Constraint », Annals of Economics and Statistics, 129, 33-52
March 18th 2020