Public Outreach

At the interface between academic research and society, AMSE disseminates economic knowledge to non-academic audiences by:
- making the results of research accessible to everyone through its digital journal, Dialogues économiques, which publishes articles, videos and infographics,
- organizing outreach events (conferences, festivals, exhibitions),
- supporting researchers to contributing to the public debate (journalistic writing, press relations).
  • Expertise

Grandes écoles : 80 fois plus de chances d’admission quand on est enfant d’ancien diplômé

Only in French | In The Conversation, Stéphane Benveniste (INED / AMSE) talks about the chances of admission to French Grandes Ecoles... much higher for the children of former graduates.
January 25th 2023
  • Dialogues économiques

Are Artesian Aquifers an Endless Source of Water?

What do the Sahara Desert and Paris’ 16th arrondissement have in common? Both are located above a somewhat unusual water table: when you dig a hole in it, the water gushes out all on its own! The economists Hubert Stahn and Agnes Tomini examine this astonishing geological phenomenon in which the number of open wells does not impact the quantity of water in the water table, but rather the pressure that compresses its volume.
Reference: Stahn, H., & Tomini, A. (2016). On the environmental efficiency of water storage: The case of a conjunctive use of ground and rainwater. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, vol.21, 691–706.
January 04th 2023
  • Dialogues économiques

Knowledge: Another Way to Protect Nature

To what point does visiting a natural habitat modify the importance we give it? Does the value we give a place increase if, with each visit, we have a better academic and personal understanding of it? To respond to these questions, the researchers M. Maki Sy, H. Rey-Valette, C. Figuières, M. Simier, and R. de Wit examined the Palavas lagoons complex near Montpellier, France. The result of their study is undeniable: in most cases, an individual’s familiarity with a habitat changes his preferences. Scientific understanding also changes an individual’s preferences, but in a different way. Let’s discover how!
Reference: Sy, M. M., Rey-Valette, H., Figuières, C., Simier, M., & De Wit, R. (2021). The impact of academic information supply and familiarity on preferences for ecosystem services. Ecological Economics, vol.183,59-69
December 14th 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

Embedding the economy into society

Social norms and interactions lie at the heart of our existence as humans, impacting all aspects of our lives. This makes made them a factor to be considered in many sciences. Yet, many economic models , trivialise them or even neglect them, in contrast to how the real world works. Therefore, three economists, Marc Fleurbaey, Ravi Kanbur, and Dennis Snower, are trying to change this perspective and bring the economy into a wider social game.
Reference: Fleurbaey, Marc and Kanbur, Ravi and Snower, Dennis, Efficiency and Equity in a Socially Embedded Economy (August 7, 2021).
November 30th 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

Are All Patients Equal in front of Precision Medicine?

Finding the right treatment for each patient is the very foundation of Healthcare. If we push this principle to the extreme, precision medicine is one of the best ways to fight cancer.
Reference: Bardey D., Kembou S., Ventelou B., 2021., “Physicians’ Incentives to Adopt Personalised Medicine: Experimental Evidence.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization ,191, 686–713.
November 16th 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

Security: Who Benefits from the Fight Against Crime?

In the fight against crime, private and public actors in security and protection work hand in hand. What good would a security camera do if it were not connected to a local police station? Are the police more useful to people who have cameras? The researchers Tanguy van Ypersele, Steeve Mongrain, Joanne Roberts, and Ross Hickey came up with a model that analyzes the link between public and private security.
Reference: Hickey, Ross, Steeve Mongrain, Joanne Roberts, and Tanguy van Ypersele. 2021. “Private Protection and Public Policing.” Journal of Public Economic Theory 23 (1): 5–28.
October 31st 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

Marriage, War, Money? How Inheritance Impacted the Creation of the Modern State

Why did medieval inheritance rules prioritize men over women? Èric Roca Fernández uses a mathematical simulation to demonstrate how the systematic preference for men in inheritance rules helped European feudal fiefdoms transform into modern states.
October 18th 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

Evaluating Education Systems Through Inequalities Between Families

Is the French education system a rather average performer? According to the PISA ranking, this seems to be the case. But this ranking, which ranks education systems based on the average scores of their 15-year-old pupils, has its limitations. The economists Nicolas Gravel, Edward Levavasseur, and Patrick Moyes have therefore taken a new look at the PISA ranking by accounting for inequalities in family background.
Reference: Gravel N., Levavasseur E., Moyes P., 2021, "Evaluating education systems", Applied Economics, 53(45), 5177-5207
October 10th 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

Cesarean Section Epidemic: The Algerian Case

Is the world experiencing a caesarean section epidemic? The use of this practice is increasing in parallel to the establishment of private actors in the health sector. Using the example of Algeria, economists Ahcène Zehnati, Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah and Mohammad Abu-Zaineh reveal the differences in practice between the private and public health sectors.
Reference: Zehnati, Ahcène, Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, and Mohammad Abu-Zaineh. 2021. “Public–Private Differentials in Health Care Delivery: The Case of Cesarean Deliveries in Algeria.” International Journal of Health Economics and Management 21 (3): 367–85.
September 21st 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

Is there a “Natural Resources Curse?”

Oil, coal, gas, gold, diamonds, and other minerals are a great source of wealth for the countries that have these natural resources beneath the surface of their land. However, resources and development do not always go hand-in-hand. For a long time, economics literature has talked about the “curse of natural resources.” In the 2000’s, this theory is questioned: this “curse” may in fact just be a statistical artifact. The economists Nicolas Clootens and Djamel Kirat provide another perspective to the argument.
Reference: Clootens N., Kirat D., 2020, "Threshold regressions for the resource curse", Environment and Development Economics, 25(6), 583-610
September 07th 2022