Public Outreach

At the interface between academic research and society, AMSE disseminates economic knowledge to non-academic audiences by:
- making the results of research accessible to everyone through its digital journal, Dialogues économiques, which publishes articles, videos and infographics,
- organizing outreach events (conferences, festivals, exhibitions),
- supporting researchers to contributing to the public debate (journalistic writing, press relations).
  • Dialogues économiques

How Much Is a Cleaner Air Worth?

It can provoke cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, contribute to climate change, impair the growth of crops, and damage buildings... Needless to say, air pollution causes a myriad of harmful effects. But how do you calculate the benefits associated with cleaner air when they do not come with a price tag? One way to do it is to estimate the amount we would be willing to pay to avoid associated deaths. And this is exactly what the economist Olivier Chanel did. Using research from Santé publique France, he expresses in euros the deaths that could be prevented by reducing air pollution.
Reference: Chanel O., Medina S., Pascal M., 2020, "Évaluation économique de la mortalité liée à la pollution atmosphérique en France", Journal de gestion et d'Economie de la santé, 38(2), 77-92.
May 12th 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

When growth takes on debt

With the Covid-19 crisis, the level of French national debt has shot up, but can we be sure that such high levels of debt will impede growth? This is a tricky question to answer, because there are many factors at work, such as variations in GDP (the primary consequence of excessive debt), or the quality of the information received by economic players. A study by economists Arnaud Chéron, Kazuo Nishimura, Carine Nourry, Thomas Seegmuller and Alain Venditti examines the complex issue of the relationship between debt and GDP.
Reference: Chéron A., Nishimura K., Nourry C., Seegmuller T., Venditti A., 2019, "Growth and Public Debt: What Are the Relevant Trade ‐ Offs?," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 51 ( 2-3), 655-682
April 28th 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

When people in Vaucluse have more children than those in Bouches-du-Rhône

Departments in France with the same socio-economic and historical conditions nevertheless present different fertility rates. Paolo Melindi-Ghidi and Thomas Seegmuller explain these surprising results by introducing a new hypothesis called “love for children”.
Reference: Melindi-Ghidi P., Seegmuller T., 2019, "The love for children hypothesis and the multiplicity of fertility rates," Journal of Mathematical Economics, 83(C), 89-100.
April 14th 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

Motivating Virtuous Acts through Choice

Want to encourage prosocial behavior? Paying people directly is less effective than giving them the choice between direct compensation and donation to a “good cause.” Economists Antoine Beretti, Charles Figuières, and Gilles Grolleau demonstrate this by proposing a way to motivate as many people as possible to behave virtuously.
Reference: Beretti A., FiguièresC., Grolleau G., 2019, "How to turn crowding-out into crowding-in? An innovative instrument and some law-related examples," European Journal of Law and Economics, 48(3), 417-438.
March 31st 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

Single Property Tax: One tax “to rule them all”

What kinds of taxes on real estate exist in France? There are five main ones—not counting the country’s housing tax, which should disappear by 2023. Between annual taxes and lump-sum taxes, it is hard to keep track of exactly how much we pay over the course of our lives. To alleviate this problem, economists Guillaume Bérard and Alain Trannoy propose a radical tax reform to replace these various taxes with a single property tax.
Reference: Bérard G., Trannoy A., 2019, "Un impôt immobilier tout en un : rendement, progressivité et faisabilité," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, 0(1), 177-224.
March 17th 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

How the Mental Load for Women is Twofold

Let’s say that a woman spends more time at work than her partner. Where’s the problem in that? In any case, it’s a rare occurrence—and for good reason. According to a study by Sarah Flèche, Anthony Lepinteur, and Nattavudh Powdthavee, the unequal distribution of domestic tasks often takes a toll on a woman's professional life. This study demonstrates how this mental load (which the majority of women still bear today) prevents them from being able to equally juggle their professional and family life and also harms their well-being.
Reference: Fleche S, Lepinteur A., Powdthavee N., 2018, "Gender Norms and Relative Working Hours: Why Do Women Suffer More Than Men from Working Longer Hours Than Their Partners?" AEA Papers and Proceedings, 108, 163-68.
March 04th 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

Towards universal health coverage in developing countries

The aim of universal health coverage is the provision of healthcare for all. Universal health coverage – in its essence, a deeply humanitarian initiative - is difficult to implement, because of its high cost to the public finance. At present in Palestine, more than half of the population is already covered, but what would it cost to extend coverage to every one of the country's inhabitants? How should such a policy be financed? Economists Mohammad Abu-Zaineh, Sameera Awawda and Bruno Ventelou have conducted a study of the issue.
Reference: Awawda S. , Mohammad Abu-Zaineh M., Ventelou B., 2019, "The quest to expand the coverage of public health insurance in the occupied Palestinian territory: an assessment of feasibility and sustainability using a simulation modelling framework", The Lancet,
February 17th 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

Rising Property Prices – Reason for Businesses to Celebrate?

When real estate prices rise, it influences business investment. For large-scale property owners, this is something to celebrate, and investment increases. For those whose activities are smaller in scale, the outlook dims as investments decline. In their studies, Denis Fougère, Rémy Lecat, and Simon Ray are focusing on financial frictions with relation to property investments.
Reference: Fougère D., Lecat R., Ray S., 2019, "Real Estate Prices and Corporate Investment: Theory and Evidence of Heterogeneous Effects across Firms", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 51(6), 1503-1546
February 03rd 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

Students Loans: Running into Debt? Speculative bubbles, Part II.

In the United States, student debt is skyrocketing, and young people are saddled with surging interest rates on their loans. It is not uncommon for Americans to start their career already $100,000 in debt. However, an investment in human capital (education) is, in theory, a productive investment. Economists Xavier Raurich and Thomas Seegmuller demonstrate this by analyzing how the speculative bubbles individuals use to finance their studies or raise children are, in the end, good for growth.
Reference: Raurich X., Seegmuller T., 2019, "Growth and bubbles: Investing in human capital versus having children," Journal of Mathematical Economics, 82(C), 150-159.
January 21st 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

When Bubbles Inflate Growth. Speculative Bubbles, Part I.

Speculative bubbles are good for growth! This observation led to major debates among economists in the 2000s. Researchers Xavier Raurich and Thomas Seegmuller sought to explain this phenomenon by studying how economic agents make investment decisions during the periods of their life as young adults, middle-aged adults, and retirees. Young people can therefore invest in their education, which is a productive but illiquid capital, through credits from the bubble (liquid assets stemming from speculative capital).
Reference: Raurich X., Seegmuller T., 2019, "On the interplay between speculative bubbles and productive investment," European Economic Review, 111 (C), 400-420.
January 06th 2021