Public Outreach

At the interface between academic research and society, AMSE disseminates economic knowledge to non-academic audiences by:
- making the results of research accessible to everyone through its digital journal, Dialogues économiques, which publishes articles, videos and infographics,
- organizing outreach events (conferences, festivals, exhibitions),
- supporting researchers to contributing to the public debate (journalistic writing, press relations).
  • Dialogues économiques

The Balance Between Labor and Capital: Do Profits Consume Wages?

How are wages decided upon? One major determining factor is how value added is shared between a company’s profits and employee compensation. It has been collectively admitted that over the past forty years, profits have increased in many developed countries at the expense of wages. Economists Gilbert Cette, Lorraine Koehl, and Thomas Philippon look at this in a new light and demonstrate that the percentage for wages has actually increased in France.
Reference: Cette, Gilbert, Lorraine Koehl, and Thomas Philippon. 2020. « Labor Share. » Economics Letters 188 (C) : 108 979.
May 11th 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

Students Prefer Accredited Schools!

How can you set yourself apart within a world of excellence? In order to be noticed and attract the very best students, elite French business schools, much like peacocks, show off their finest attire. However, when it comes to the strategy institutions use to win over students, a new element is quickly gaining traction: accreditations! The economists Mathieu Lefebvre and Julien Jacqmin explore this new tactic.
Reference: Jacqmin, Julien, and Mathieu Lefebvre. 2021. « The Effect of International Accreditations on Students’ Revealed Preferences: Evidence from French Business Schools. » Economics of Education Review 85 (December) : 102192.
April 27th 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

Risky Workplace: Reserved for Immigrants

Not all is equal between natives and immigrants in the labor market. Beyond wage differences, immigrants also tend to work in more dangerous jobs and face difficult working conditions. According to the economist Eva Moreno Galbis, this difference can be partially explained by outside employment opportunities and preferences driven by socio-demographic characteristics.
Reference: Galbis, E. M., 2020. "Differences in work conditions between natives and immigrants : Preferences vs. outside employment opportunities". European Economic Review, 130, 103586.
April 15th 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

In Favour of the Majority

What could be more natural than reaching agreement by following the preference of the majority? Mihir Bhattacharya and Nicolas Gravel study the issue through a mathematical lens. They show that, in addition to its philosophical legitimacy, the majority is a collective preference representative of the preferences of the members of a society. Like the average, the median, or other statistical measures, the preference of the majority bears the closest resemblance to the individual preferences from which it emanates.
Reference: Bhattacharya, M., Gravel N., 2021, “Is the Preference of the Majority Representative?”, Mathematical Social Sciences, 114, 87–94.
March 30th 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

May God Bless You! (If you pay)

For both insurance and divine protection, giving to the church can pay off. This is what economists Emmanuelle Auriol, Julie Lassébie, Amma Panin, Eva Raiber, and Paul Seabright demonstrate after studying the reasons why Ghanaian parishioners often give such large donations (sometimes over 10% of their income!) to their churches.
Reference: Auriol E., Lassébie J., Panin A., Raiber E., Seabright P., 2020, “God Insures Those Who Pay? Formal Insurance and Religious Offerings in Ghana”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 135 (4), 1799–1848.
March 02nd 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

The general practitioner shortage: a French disease?

France is suffering from a shortage of general practitioners. One of the symptoms of this sickness has been termed 'medical desertification'. But what lies behind this expression? The economists Julien Silhol, Bruno Ventelou and Anna Zaytseva overthrow the assumptions in their latest publication. They reveal a little-known truth: inequalities exist in access to care from one end of France to the other, and not only in rural areas. An in-depth study is conducted into the practices of general practitioners in these areas defined by the ARS as 'under-provisioned': do these medical practices differ according to location?
Reference: Silhol J., Ventelou B., Zaytseva A., 2020, “How French General Practitioners Respond to Declining Medical Density: A Study on Prescription Practices, with an Insight into Opioids Use.” The European Journal of Health Economics, 21 (9), 1391–98.
February 02nd 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

From Protecting Nature to Protecting Biodiversity: A History of Debate

How do you measure a concept as obscure as biodiversity? Indicators are one way to do so. But the economists Pierre Courtois, Charles Figuières, and Chloé Mulier reveal that these may not all lead to the same result. For example, Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao's and Martin Weitzman’s indicators each lead to policies that are sometimes on complete opposite sides of the spectrum. While one recommends saving the most fragile species, the other recommends saving the most robust! So, does protecting the environment come down to perspective?
Reference: Courtois P., Figuières C., Mulier C., 2019, "A Tale of Two Diversities," Ecological Economics, 159(C), 133-147.
January 19th 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

Differing beliefs about common societal issues: what are the outcomes?

Reducing overall plastic consumption, vaccinating enough people to curb a pandemic, or donating to charity – these are all divisive issues. If I want to contribute, will my actions make any difference? What cost am I willing to pay? Economists Nicolas Gravel and Anwesha Banerjee study the extent to which an individual’s beliefs on issues such as these can influence the actions taken. Their research shows that the more closely a group's members are aligned on an issue, the more likely the group is to act toward the public good.
Reference: Banerjee A., Gravel N., 2020, "Contribution to a public good under subjective uncertainty," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, 22(3), 473-500
January 05th 2022
  • Dialogues économiques

Protecting and Taking Advantage of Nature: A Paradox?

In the current Anthropocene epoch, human economic activities seem increasingly incompatible with nature preservation. In fact, many habitats and species have already paid the price… Researchers Noël Bonneuil and Raouf Boucekkine strive to address this apparent paradox by proposing an approach that combines population genetics and econometrics.
Reference: Bonneuil, N., & Boucekkine, R. (2020). Genetic diversity and its value : Conservation genetics meets economics. Conservation Genetics Resources, 12 (1), 141 — 151.
December 08th 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

The Infertility Boom: What Are the Costs to Society?

It is becoming increasingly more difficult to have a baby. In France, one in every eight couples seeks help for a fertility problem. Solutions such as medically assisted reproduction (MAR) do exist, but these treatments can be costly for both individuals and society. Faced with this phenomenon, economists Johanna Etner, Natacha Raffin, and Thomas Seegmuller have sought the best system to reduce the inequalities generated by infertility, which affects individuals in an increasingly random manner.
Reference: Etner, Johanna, Natacha Raffin, and Thomas Seegmuller. 2020. “Reproductive Health, Fairness, and Optimal Policies.” Journal of Public Economic Theory 22 (5): 1213–44.
November 24th 2021