Public Outreach

At the interface between academic research and society, AMSE disseminates economic knowledge to non-academic audiences by:
- making the results of research accessible to everyone through its digital journal, Dialogues économiques, which publishes articles, videos and infographics,
- organizing outreach events (conferences, festivals, exhibitions),
- supporting researchers to contributing to the public debate (journalistic writing, press relations).
  • Dialogues économiques

Students Loans: Running into Debt? Speculative bubbles, Part II.

In the United States, student debt is skyrocketing, and young people are saddled with surging interest rates on their loans. It is not uncommon for Americans to start their career already $100,000 in debt. However, an investment in human capital (education) is, in theory, a productive investment. Economists Xavier Raurich and Thomas Seegmuller demonstrate this by analyzing how the speculative bubbles individuals use to finance their studies or raise children are, in the end, good for growth.
Reference: Raurich X., Seegmuller T., 2019, "Growth and bubbles: Investing in human capital versus having children," Journal of Mathematical Economics, 82(C), 150-159.
January 21st 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

When Bubbles Inflate Growth. Speculative Bubbles, Part I.

Speculative bubbles are good for growth! This observation led to major debates among economists in the 2000s. Researchers Xavier Raurich and Thomas Seegmuller sought to explain this phenomenon by studying how economic agents make investment decisions during the periods of their life as young adults, middle-aged adults, and retirees. Young people can therefore invest in their education, which is a productive but illiquid capital, through credits from the bubble (liquid assets stemming from speculative capital).
Reference: Raurich X., Seegmuller T., 2019, "On the interplay between speculative bubbles and productive investment," European Economic Review, 111 (C), 400-420.
January 06th 2021
  • Dialogues économiques

Can we improve competitiveness at any cost?

What is the common feature between global imbalances, the Crédit d’Impôt pour la Compétitivité et l’Emploi (CICE), and Donald Trump's tweets against China? Competitiveness! This concept has been at the heart of political discourse since the European debt crisis in 2010, leading to much scrutiny of its performance and praise of its growth. So, when it comes to reforms aimed at increasing competitiveness, economists Lise Patureau and Céline Poilly point out the importance of considering the impact of corporate markup.
Reference: Patureau L., Poilly C., 2019, "Reforms and the real exchange rate: The role of pricing-to-market," Journal of International Economics, 119(C), 150-168.
December 09th 2020
  • Expertise

Covid-19 policy responses: what population preferences tell us

A team of researchers in economics elicited population preferences regarding the main anti-Covid 19 strategies in France. The scientific article is published in The Lancet Public Health.
December 09th 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

Deprescribing: Another way to heal

When an individual is afflicted with several chronic conditions at the same time, it is called multimorbidity. This is an increasingly common problem in Europe. How do general practitioners deal with it? How do they manage prescriptions that are not only vastly different but can lead to damaging drug interactions? These questions are explored by researchers Hélène Carrier, Anna Zaytseva, Aurélie Bocquier, Patrick Villani, Hélène Verdoux, Martin Fortin, and Pierre Verger in an article that examines the attitudes and practices of private general practitioners.
Reference: Hélène Carrier H., Zaytseva A., Bocquier A., Villani A., Verdoux H., Fortin M., Verger P., 2019, "GPs’ management of polypharmacy and therapeutic dilemma in patients with multimorbidity: a cross-sectional survey of GPs in France", British Journal of Gener
November 25th 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

Invasive Species: join the fight against them!

Invasive species are the second most frequent cause of global biodiversity loss, and financial consequences in Europe are estimated at 12 billion euros per year. Is it possible to eradicate these devilish pests with limited financial resources? To help identify priorities in such battles, a method is offered by authors Pierre Courtois, Charles Figuières, Chloé Mulier et Joakim Weill, which is based on interactions between different species.
Reference: Courtois P., Weill J., Figuieres C., Mulier C., 2018, "A cost-benefit approach for prioritizing invasive species", Ecological Economics, 146, 607-620
November 16th 2020
  • Press
  • Op-Ed

« En privilégiant l’accès aux apprentissages des étudiants des classes préparatoires, l’exécutif malmène une nouvelle fois l’université »

In an op-ed in Le Monde, the teacher-researcher in economics Karine Gente (AMU, FEG) is indignant of the inequality created in higher education by the difference in treatment between university students and future students of 'grandes écoles'.
November 03rd 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

When Game Theory Takes Us on a Ride

According to game theory, free competition is not always ideal for society. Economists Gaëtan Fournier and Marco Scarsini use this perspective to study the spatial competition between several retailers. The retailers choose the location of their business to maximize their profits. According to the researchers’ model, pursuing an individual profit leads to stable but undesirable situations for the common good.
Reference: Fournier G., Scarsini M., 2019, "Location Games on Networks: Existence and Efficiency of Equilibria," Mathematics of Operations Research, 44(1), 212-235
October 28th 2020
  • Dialogues économiques

World Poverty: The numbers do not add up

How many people are living in poverty in the world? Finding the answer to this simple question poses a wealth of difficulty. Determining who lives in poverty is a difficult task, and the various means used to count these people can give quite different values. Economists Zhou Xun and Michel Lubrano seek to illustrate this issue in their article, in which they propose a new method for assessing poverty in developing countries.
Reference: Xun Z., Lubrano M., 2018, "A Bayesian Measure of Poverty in the Developing World," Review of Income and Wealth, 64 (3), 649-678
October 14th 2020
  • Press

French Nobel or Nobel in France?

After Esther Duflo, Nobel Prize in economics last year and Emmanuelle Charpentier, Nobel Prize in chemistry this year, France is in the spotlight, neither of them have done their research in France, why ? Op-ed article by Alain Trannoy in Le Echos. Only in French.
October 13th 2020