Public Outreach

At the interface between academic research and society, AMSE disseminates economic knowledge to non-academic audiences by:
- making the results of research accessible to everyone through its digital journal, Dialogues économiques, which publishes articles, videos and infographics,
- organizing outreach events (conferences, festivals, exhibitions),
- supporting researchers to contributing to the public debate (journalistic writing, press relations).
  • Dialogues économiques

Urbanization, source of ideas and growth

Urbanisation is usually viewed as the result of rising productivity that attracts workers to cities. Economists Liam Brunt and Cecilia García-Peñalosa argue that in order to understand the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution, it is important to look at this phenomenon from the opposing perspective: productivity gains and growth are fostered by the exchanges of knowledge taking place within cities.
Reference: Brunt L., García-Peñalosa C., 2022, « Urbanisation and the Onset of Modern Economic Growth ». The Economic Journal, 132 (642), 512-545
January 17th 2024
  • Dialogues économiques

Children's skills: the crucial role of interaction with parents

Although little studied in economics, the parent-child relationship is a crucial subject, intimately linked to fundamental socio-economic issues such as inequality, growth and education. Researcher Avner Seror looks at the nature of this interaction and the impact of screens within it.
Reference: Seror, A., 2022, « "Child Development in Parent-Child Interactions », Journal of Political Economy, 130(9), 2462‑2499.
December 08th 2023
  • Dialogues économiques

Microcredit in India, a response to the climate challenge?

In India, microcredit helps to cushion climatic shocks, finds economist Timothée Demont in his research on community-based economic Self-Help Groups in the eastern state of Jharkhand. His analysis focuses on the effects of these groups on the economic resilience of villages when droughts affect harvests.
Reference: Demont T., 2022, « Coping with shocks: How Self-Help Groups impact food security and seasonal migration », World Development, 155, 105892.
November 15th 2023
  • Dialogues économiques

Remittances: a boost to growth?

The amount of money sent by emigrants to their countries of origin often exceeds that of international development aid programs. But what impact do these huge remittances have on the economies of countries? The observations are often contradictory. To understand them, economists Nicolas Destrée, Karine Gente, and Carine Nourry propose a model that links remittances, growth and education.
Reference: Destrée N., Gente K., Nourry C., 2021. “Migration, Remitance and Accumulation of Human Capital with Endogenous Debt Constraints.”, Mathematical Social Sciences, 112, 38 60.
October 25th 2023
  • Dialogues économiques

Back to the past: when economics meets archaeology

What can an Uzbek oasis in the ninth century teach us about the modern economy? Isolated in time and space, the oasis of Bukhara is an ideal "laboratory" for understanding the fundamental economic mechanisms behind urban organization. Economist Federico Trionfetti and archaeologist Rocco Rante bring together their disciplines, the past and the present, in their study of this unique place.
Reference: R. Rante, F. Trionfetti, 2021. "Economic Aspects of Settlement in the Oasis of Bukhara, Uzbekistan : An Archaeo-Economic Approach ". Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 31(4), 581 596.
October 11th 2023
  • Dialogues économiques

One more effort for equality of opportunity

Does everyone have the same opportunity to succeed at school? While there is a certain consensus on the inequalities caused by social differences, a team of researchers demonstrates that the effort of each pupil is underestimated in explaining school results.
Reference: M. N. Asadullah, A. Trannoy, S. Tubeuf, G. Yalonetzky, 2021. "Measuring educational inequality of opportunity : Pupil’s effort matters" World Development. 138, 105262.
September 13th 2023
  • Dialogues économiques

Heatwaves: stifling the economy

Heatwaves are often overlooked in the analysis of extreme weather events, particularly in terms of their economic impact. This lack of research and the population's low perception of risk limit the adoption of adaptation measures, despite the fact that the health effects of heatwaves are largely avoidable.
Reference: Adélaïde L., Chanel O., Pascal M., (2022). “Des impacts sanitaires du changement climatique déjà bien visibles : L’exemple des canicules”. Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement, 106(2), 42-47.
July 05th 2023
  • Dialogues économiques

High voltage climate in Brazil: when drought kills

Are we going to end up killing each other in the face of high temperatures? Without going that far, climate change is already having a serious impact on insecurity. Brazil, infamous for its crime rate, is on the front line of environmental disasters. According to economist Phoebe W. Ishak, between 1991 and 2015, Brazil's severe droughts not only affected farmers' incomes, but also increased the homicide rate.
Reference: Ishak P. W., 2022, “Murder nature : Weather and violent crime in rural Brazil”, World Development, 157, 105933.
June 20th 2023
  • Dialogues économiques

Manipulating a country's culture for greater control

How can ineffective ideas be imposed? Even when the elites who promote them are not able to impose them through their vested interests? Economists Murat Iyigun, Avner Seror and Jared Rubin propose an explanation that places the influence on the culture of the society as a central element.
Reference: Iyigun M., Rubin J., Seror A., 2021. "A theory of cultural revivals", European Economic Review, 135, 103734.
June 06th 2023
  • Dialogues économiques

Same-sex marriage: change the law, change your mind?

Since the Netherlands in 2001, only 34 countries have legalized same-sex marriage. Have these legal norms led to more benevolence towards same-sex couples? The work of economists Sylvie Blasco, Eva Moreno Galbis and Jeremy Tanguy reveals that the evolution of individual opinions depends on the adequacy of laws with the norm of one's community or partner.
Reference: Blasco S., Moreno Galbis E., Tanguy J., 2022, " Social Ties and the Influence of Public Policies on Individual Opinions : The Case of Same-Sex Marriage Laws ", The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 38(1), 196 271.
May 24th 2023