
The study of a world in crisis is divided into three areas: economic crises and the new foundations of the macroeconomy after the 2008 crisis, global transformations (development, democratic transitions, migrations, growth) and public action to address environmental and health crises. 4 methodological fields of excellence are mobilized for this purpose: Quantitative macroeconomics and macrodynamics; Network theory; Econometrics of time series, panel data; Big data.
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LAGV prize ASSET 2021

The Louis-André Gérard-Varet prize for the best paper by a young researcher was awarded today to Daniele D'arienzo, Assistant Professor at Nova School of Business and Economics, at the 2021 ASSET conference in Marseille.
October 22nd 2021
  • Research

Tenure-track position - Assistant Professor

The Aix Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) is seeking to recruit one tenure track faculty member at the assistant professor level, with the position beginning on September 1st, 2022.
More information
October 15th 2021
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Chair AMSE / IMéRA

Call for applications is open until 15/11.
October 04th 2021
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New members

We are pleased to welcome 2 new researchers and 7 new post-doctoral fellows to our research center.
  • Research highlight

Identifying price reviews by firms: an econometric approach

Mark N. Harris & Hervé Le Bihan & Patrick Sevestre, 2020, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol. 52 (2–3)