
Most of the information presented on this page have been retrieved from RePEc with the kind authorization of Christian Zimmermann
Assessment and determinants of depression and anxiety on a global sample of sexual and gender diverse people at high risk of HIV: a public health approachJournal articleErik Lamontagne, Vincent Leroy, Anna Yakusik, Warren Parker, Sean Howell and Bruno Ventelou, BMC public health, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp. 215, 2024

BACKGROUND: Sexual and gender diverse people face intersecting factors affecting their well-being and livelihood. These include homophobic reactions, stigma or discrimination at the workplace and in healthcare facilities, economic vulnerability, lack of social support, and HIV. This study aimed to examine the association between such factors and symptoms of anxiety and depression among sexual and gender diverse people.
METHODS: This study is based on a sample of 108,389 gay, bisexual, queer and questioning men, and transfeminine people from 161 countries collected through a cross-sectional internet survey. We developed a multinomial logistic regression for each group to study the associations of the above factors at different severity scores for anxiety and depression symptoms.
RESULTS: Almost a third (30.3%) of the participants reported experiencing moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and depression. Higher severity scores were found for transfeminine people (39%), and queer or questioning people (34.8%). Severe symptoms of anxiety and depression were strongly correlated with economic hardship for all groups. Compared to those who are HIV-negative, those living with HIV were more likely to report severe symptoms of anxiety and depression, and the highest score was among those who do not know their HIV status. Transfeminine people were the most exposed group, with more than 80% higher risk for those living with HIV suffering from anxiety and depression. Finally, homophobic reactions were strongly associated with anxiety and depression. The relative risk of severe anxiety and depression was 3.47 times higher for transfeminine people facing transphobic reactions than those with no symptoms. Moreover, anxiety and depression correlate with stigma or discrimination in the workplace and healthcare facilities.
CONCLUSIONS: The strong association between the severity of anxiety and depression, and socioeconomic inequality and HIV status highlights the need for concrete actions to meet the United Nations' pledge to end inequalities faced by communities and people affected by HIV. Moreover, the association between stigma or discrimination and anxiety and depression among sexual and gender diverse people is alarming. There is a need for bold structural public health interventions, particularly for transfeminine, queer and questioning people who represent three communities under the radar of national HIV programmes.

Exposure to worrisome topics can increase cognitive performance when incentivized by a performance goalJournal articleTimothee Demont, Daniela Horta-Sáenz and Eva Raiber, Scientific Reports, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 1204, 2024

Worrisome topics, such as climate change, economic crises, or pandemics including Covid-19, are increasingly present and pervasive due to digital media and social networks. Do worries triggered by such topics affect the cognitive capacities of young adults? In an online experiment during the Covid-19 pandemic (N=1503), we test how the cognitive performance of university students responds when exposed to topics discussing (i) current adverse mental health consequences of social restrictions or (ii) future labor market hardships linked to the economic contraction. Moreover, we study how such a response is affected by a performance goal. We find that the labor market topic increases cognitive performance when it is motivated by a goal, consistent with a ‘tunneling effect’ of scarcity or a positive stress effect. However, we show that the positive reaction is mainly concentrated among students with larger financial and social resources, pointing to an inequality-widening mechanism. Conversely, we find limited support for a negative stress effect or a ‘cognitive load effect’ of scarcity, as the mental health topic has a negative but insignificant average effect on cognitive performance. Yet, there is a negative response among psychologically vulnerable individuals when the payout is not conditioned on reaching a goal.

Education politics, schooling choice and public school quality: the impact of income polarizationJournal articleMajda Benzidia, Michel Lubrano and Paolo Melindi-Ghidi, International Tax and Public Finance, pp. 1-29, 2024

What is the role of income polarization for explaining differentials in public funding of education? To answer this question, we provide a new theoretical modelling for the income distribution that can directly monitor income polarization. It leads to a new income polarization index where the middle class is represented by an interval. We implement this distribution in a political economy model with endogenous fertility and public/private educational choices. We show that when households vote on public schooling expenditures, polarization matters for explaining disparities in public education funding across communities. Using micro-data covering two groups of school districts, we find that both income polarization and income inequality affect public school funding with opposite signs whether there exist a Tax Limitation Expenditure (TLE) or not.

Autoregressive conditional betasJournal articleF. Blasques, Christian Francq and Sébastien Laurent, Journal of Econometrics, Volume 238, Issue 2, pp. 105630, 2024

This paper introduces an autoregressive conditional beta (ACB) model that allows regressions with dynamic betas (or slope coefficients) and residuals with GARCH conditional volatility. The model fits in the (quasi) score-driven approach recently proposed in the literature, and it is semi-parametric in the sense that the distributions of the innovations are not necessarily specified. The time-varying betas are allowed to depend on past shocks and exogenous variables. We establish the existence of a stationary solution for the ACB model, the invertibility of the score-driven filter for the time-varying betas, and the asymptotic properties of one-step and multistep QMLEs for the new ACB model. The finite sample properties of these estimators are studied by means of an extensive Monte Carlo study. Finally, we also propose a strategy to test for the constancy of the conditional betas. In a financial application, we find evidence for time-varying conditional betas and highlight the empirical relevance of the ACB model in a portfolio and risk management empirical exercise.

Optimal Infrastructure after Trade Reform in IndiaJournal articlePriyam Verma, Journal of Development Economics, Volume 166, pp. 103208, 2024

Lower tariffs typically raise productivity, production, and trade, increasing the benefits from building infrastructure. Infrastructure spending by governments should therefore increase after countries open up to trade. I test this hypothesis empirically using a trade reform in India and find that a 1 percentage point reduction in tariffs increased states’ infrastructure spending by 0.5% between 1991 and 2001. To understand the mechanisms behind my empirical findings, I develop and calibrate a multi-region model of international trade, private capital accumulation, and infrastructure spending, in which each government chooses such spending to maximize their state’s welfare. I find if governments choose infrastructure following the reform optimally, infrastructure would have increased by 60% on average. The actual increase, based on my empirical findings, was about 29%. Counterfactual exercises show that raising aggregate infrastructure towards its optimal following the trade reform will result in state GDP to increase by 7% points on average.

Age Discontinuity and Nonemployment Benefit Policy Evaluation Through the Lens of Job Search TheoryJournal articleBruno Decreuse and Guillaume Wilemme, INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW, Forthcoming

Recent papers use regression discontinuity designs (RDDs) based on age discontinuity to evaluate social assistance (SA) and unemployment insurance (UI) extension policies. Job search theory predicts that such designs generate biased estimates of the policy-relevant treatment effect. Owing to market frictions, people below the age threshold modify their search behavior in expectation of future eligibility. We use a job search model to quantify the biases on various datasets in the literature. The impacts of SA benefits on employment are underestimated, whereas those of UI extensions on nonemployment duration are overestimated. The article provides insights for RDD evaluations of age-discontinuous policies.

The determinants of political selection: a citizen-candidate model with valence signaling and incumbency advantageJournal articleSusana Peralta and Tanguy van Ypersele, INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE, Forthcoming

We expand the theory of politician quality in electoral democracies with citizen candidates by supposing that performance while in office sends a signal to the voters about the politician's valence. Individuals live two periods and decide to become candidates when young, trading off against type-specific private wages. The valence signal increases the reelection chances of high valence incumbents (screening mechanism of reelection), and thus their expected gain from running for office (self-selection mechanism). Since self-selection improves the average quality of challengers, voters become more demanding when evaluating the incumbent's performance. This complementarity between the self-selection and the screening mechanisms may lead to multiple equilibria. We show that more difficult and/or less variable political jobs increase the politicians' quality. Conversely, societies with more wage inequality have lower quality polities. We also show that incumbency advantage blurs the screening mechanism by giving incumbents an upper-hand in electoral competition and may wipe out the positive effect of the screening mechanism on the quality of the polity.

Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition of changes in means and inequality: A simultaneous approachJournal articleArthur Charpentier and Emmanuel Flachaire, ECONOMICS BULLETIN, Volume 44, Issue 1, pp. 308-320, 2024

In this paper, we show that a decomposition of changes in inequality, with the mean log deviation index, can be obtained directly from the Oaxaca-Blinder decompositions of changes in means of incomes and log-incomes. It allows practitioners to conduct simultaneously empirical analyses to explain which factors account for changes in means and in inequality indices between two distributions with strictly positive values.

Nonstandard ErrorsJournal articleAlbert J. Menkveld, Anna Dreber, Felix Holzmeister, Juergen Huber, Magnus Johannesson, Michael Kirchler, Sebastian NEUSÜß, Michael Razen, Utz Weitzel, David Abad-Díaz, et al., The Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 3, pp. 2339-2390, 2024

In statistics, samples are drawn from a population in a data-generating process (DGP). Standard errors measure the uncertainty in estimates of population parameters. In science, evidence is generated to test hypotheses in an evidence-generating process (EGP). We claim that EGP variation across researchers adds uncertainty—nonstandard errors (NSEs). We study NSEs by letting 164 teams test the same hypotheses on the same data. NSEs turn out to be sizable, but smaller for more reproducible or higher rated research. Adding peer-review stages reduces NSEs. We further find that this type of uncertainty is underestimated by participants.

Exit Polls and Voter Turnout in the 2017 French ElectionsJournal articleAlberto Grillo and Eva Raiber, Revue économique, Volume Pub. anticipées, Issue 7, pp. 14-31, 2024

Lors des élections françaises, les médias belges et suisses interfèrent régulièrement en publiant des sondages et des prédictions avant la fermeture des bureaux de vote. Nous utilisons la précocité et le degré de confiance inhabituels des sondages au second tour de l’élection présidentielle de 2017 pour étudier leurs effets sur la participation électorale. Notre analyse compare les taux de participation à différents horaires, aux premier et second tours, et par rapport aux élections de 2012 et 2022. Les résultats montrent une baisse significative de la participation après la publication des sondages à la sortie des urnes. L’effet s’élève à 1,1 point de pourcentage dans l’analyse en triples differences avec l’élection de 2022 et il est plus fort dans les départements limitrophes de la Belgique. Nous constatons également un léger effet underdog pouvant réduire la marge de victoire jusqu’à 1 point de pourcentage.