
Most of the information presented on this page have been retrieved from RePEc with the kind authorization of Christian Zimmermann
Book review of Success and Luck: good fortune and the myth of meritocracy. Robert H. Frank, Edited by Princeton University Press, 2016. pp 187. ISBN: 978-0-69116-740-4 (hbk)Journal articleAlain Trannoy, The Journal of Economic Inequality, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp. 123-125, 2018
Contribution of alcohol use disorders to the burden of dementia in France 2008-13: a nationwide retrospective cohort studyJournal articleMichael Schwarzinger, Bruce G. Pollock, Omer S. M. Hasan, Carole Dufouil, Jürgen Rehm, S Baillot, Quentin Guibert, F Planchet and Stéphane Luchini, The Lancet Public Health, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. e124-e132, 2018

Dementia is a prevalent condition, affecting 5-7% of people aged 60 years and older, and a leading cause of disability in people aged 60 years and older globally. We aimed to examine the association between alcohol use disorders and dementia risk, with an emphasis on early-onset dementia (<65 years).

We analysed a nationwide retrospective cohort of all adult (≥20 years) patients admitted to hospital in metropolitan France between 2008 and 2013. The primary exposure was alcohol use disorders and the main outcome was dementia, both defined by International Classification of Diseases, tenth revision discharge diagnosis codes. Characteristics of early-onset dementia were studied among prevalent cases in 2008-13. Associations of alcohol use disorders and other risk factors with dementia onset were analysed in multivariate Cox models among patients admitted to hospital in 2011-13 with no record of dementia in 2008-10.

Of 31 624 156 adults discharged from French hospitals between 2008 and 2013, 1 109 343 were diagnosed with dementia and were included in the analyses. Of the 57 353 (5·2%) cases of early-onset dementia, most were either alcohol-related by definition (22 338 [38·9%]) or had an additional diagnosis of alcohol use disorders (10 115 [17·6%]). Alcohol use disorders were the strongest modifiable risk factor for dementia onset, with an adjusted hazard ratio of 3·34 (95% CI 3·28-3·41) for women and 3·36 (3·31-3·41) for men. Alcohol use disorders remained associated with dementia onset for both sexes (adjusted hazard ratios >1·7) in sensitivity analyses on dementia case definition (including Alzheimer's disease) or older study populations. Also, alcohol use disorders were significantly associated with all other risk factors for dementia onset (all p<0·0001).

Alcohol use disorders were a major risk factor for onset of all types of dementia, and especially early-onset dementia. Thus, screening for heavy drinking should be part of regular medical care, with intervention or treatment being offered when necessary. Additionally, other alcohol policies should be considered to reduce heavy drinking in the general population.


Environmental Tax Reform under Debt ConstraintJournal articleMouez Fodha, Thomas Seegmuller and Hiroaki Yamagami, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Issue 129, pp. 33-52, 2018

This article analyzes the impacts of Environmental Tax Reform (ETR) when the government is constrained not to increase the public debt-to-output ratio. We consider an overlapping generations model with pollution. Public spending for pollution abatement are financed by tax revenues and public debt. We show that keeping constant the public debt-output ratio is not an obstacle to attain a double dividend, i.e. an increase of both (i) environmental quality and (ii) aggregate consumption. First, if the capital stock is low and the pollution abatement is large enough, a successful ETR consists in a rise of the environmental tax, compensated by a decrease of the income tax. Secondly, we show that the environmental tax revenues may help reduce the public debt-output ratio. We give conditions (on the initial level of the environmental tax and the debt-output ratio) such that an increase of the environmental tax, budget-balanced by a decrease of the debt-output ratio may also achieve a double dividend. We conclude that public debt crisis should not compromise ETR, instead, environmental tax revenues could be part of the solution. JEL: Q5, H23, H63 / KEY WORDS: Environmental Tax Reform, Debt, Public Emission Abatement, Double Dividend, Overlapping Generations Model

Top Incomes, Heavy Tails, and Rank-Size RegressionsJournal articleChristian Schluter, Econometrics, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 10, 2018

In economics, rank-size regressions provide popular estimators of tail exponents of heavy-tailed distributions. We discuss the properties of this approach when the tail of the distribution is regularly varying rather than strictly Pareto. The estimator then over-estimates the true value in the leading parametric income models (so the upper income tail is less heavy than estimated), which leads to test size distortions and undermines inference. For practical work, we propose a sensitivity analysis based on regression diagnostics in order to assess the likely impact of the distortion. The methods are illustrated using data on top incomes in the UK.

Neighbor discrimination theory and evidence from the French rental marketJournal articlePierre-Philippe Combes, Bruno Decreuse, Benoît Schmutz and Alain Trannoy, Journal of Urban Economics, Volume 104, Issue C, pp. 104-123, 2018

This paper describes a novel concept of customer discrimination in the housing market, neighbor discrimination. We develop a matching model with ethnic externalities in which landlords differ in the number of apartments they own within the same building. Larger landlords are more likely to discriminate only if some tenants are prejudiced against the minority group. Observing that minority tenants are less likely than majority group tenants to live in a building with a single large landlord is thus evidence of neighbor discrimination. We show empirically that African immigrants in France are significantly less likely to live in a building owned by a single landlord. This increases the probability that African immigrants live in public housing in localities with more single-landlord private apartment blocks.

Intra-household Behavioral Responses to Cash Transfer Programs. Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity DesignJournal articleMarcelo Bergolo and Estefanía Galván, World Development, Volume 103, Issue C, pp. 100-118, 2018

Considering two-parent households with children, this study investigates the behavioral responses of men and women to a cash transfer program in Uruguay – Asignaciones Familiares-Plan de Equidad (AFAM-PE). We examine its effect on labor market responses, marital dissolution, and the decision-making process regarding the use of money. The assignment mechanism to the AFAM-PE exogenously alters the distribution of non-labor income across applicant households by targeting the monetary transfer (usually) to the female spouse. Our identification strategy exploits both the female targeting and a discontinuity in eligibility for enrollment into the program. Based on a regression discontinuity design and on a follow-up survey matched with program’s administrative records, this study finds that the program has significant negative effects on the formality choice of women at the eligibility cut-off. These responses seem to be associated with a lower rate of moving from unregistered jobs to formality. We also find suggestive evidence that the program results in women taking greater (perceived) responsibility for decisions in specific spheres of household expenditures. This study, represents one of the first efforts to analyze the distributional effects of CCT programs on different couples members’ behavioral responses. It offers relevant considerations for the ongoing debate about the impacts of these kind of programs on women’s agency in developing countries, suggesting the need to discuss new designs for social assistance that reduce discouraging effects on formality.

Short-run pain, long-run gain: the conditional welfare gains from international financial integrationJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Giorgio Fabbri and Patrick A. Pintus, Economic Theory, Volume 65, Issue 2, pp. 329-360, 2018

This paper aims at clarifying the analytical conditions under which financial globalization originates welfare gains in a simple endogenous growth setting. We focus on an open-economy AK model in which the capital-deepening effect of financial globalization boosts growth in a in permanent but entails an entry cost in order to access international credit markets. We show that constrained borrowing triggers substantial welfare gains, even at small levels of international financial integration, provided that the autarkic growth rate is larger than the world interest rate. Such conditional welfare benefits boosted by stronger growth—long-run gain—arise in our preferred model without investment commitment and they range, relative to autarky, from about 2% in middle-income countries to about 13% in OECD-type countries under international financial integration. Sizeable benefits emerge despite the fact that consumption initially falls—short-run pain—which is, however, shown not to dwarf positive growth changes.

Addressing HIV on the French Guyanese-Brazilian border: no choice but collaboration!Journal articleAnna S. Boser, Bastien Bidaud, Silvia Maues, Noé Guiraud, Anapaula M. Mendes, François Lacapere, Sophie Rhodes, Florence Huber, Leila Adriouch, Mathieu Nacher, et al., AIDS, Volume 32, Issue 5, pp. 539-542, 2018

An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.

Investigating the Dimensions of Youth Wellbeing: An Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling Approach Applied to PalestineJournal articleMohammad Abu-Zaineh and Maame Esi Woode, Child Indicators Research, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 57-78, 2018

This paper illustrates the “Sen-Nussbaum-type” capability approach to the measurement of youth wellbeing using the newly developed Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling (ESEM). It offers insights into how the capability to achieve wellbeing can be measured in a conflict-affected and resource-constrained setting. The methodology is applied to nationally representative data taken from the Palestinian Family Survey. The population of interest is youth aged 15 to 29. Three capability dimensions are identified: health awareness, knowledge and living conditions. Results show an interrelation between capability dimensions. It is especially important to note the effect of knowledge capabilities on both health awareness and living conditions indicators. Results also confirm the importance of some (exogenous) factors such as the education of the household head in the conversion of capabilities into achievements. Capabilities are shown to be highest in the West Bank for both knowledge and living conditions compared to the Gaza Strip.

The importance of health for income inequality in the occupied Palestinian territory: a decomposition analysis and cross-sectional studyJournal articleMohammad Abu-Zaineh, Maame Esi Woode and Mârwan-al-Qays Bousmah, The Lancet, Volume 391, Issue Supplement 1, pp. S23, 2018

The contribution of income inequality to health inequality has been widely examined in developed countries. However, little evidence exists on the effect of health on income inequality in resource-constrained settings. Findings from previous studies have indicated several mechanisms through which health affects income inequality, with the labour market being an important channel. Given the different levels of development, there are reasons to believe that health might represent a greater constraint on earnings in low-income settings. The aim of this study was to examine the relation between income and health in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Data were extracted from the 2004 Household Health Expenditure Survey, which covered 4014 households. We applied a Shapley value approach to assess the contribution of health to income inequality. The analysis involved estimating and decomposing the relative Gini index. The contribution of each variable to income inequality was then computed as the average marginal effect, holding all other covariates at the mean.

Results indicated clear age-specific health-income gradients. This is particularly apparent in the working-age population. Results also indicated that chronically ill people live in households witht low income. The regression analyses showed a negative effect of the proportion of adults in the household with chronic illness on income. The lack of education and employment appear to have the highest negative effect on income. The decomposition analyses revealed that ill health contributes to income inequality, whereas such an effect is reduced when we controlled for employment status.

Our results suggested the presence of a ubiquitous relation between health and income. The contribution of health to income inequality depends on how it is distributed. Evidence supports a significant effect of ill health on income, which mainly operates through employment. Additionally, variation in exposure to health risks is a potentially important mechanism through which health might generate income inequality.