
Most of the information presented on this page have been retrieved from RePEc with the kind authorization of Christian Zimmermann
Wage inequality and skill supplies in a globalised worldJournal articleLorenzo Rotunno and Adrian Wood, Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 48, Issue 3, pp. 529-547, 2020

We investigate empirically, and explain theoretically, how the relative wages of skilled and unskilled workers vary with their relative supplies in open economies. Our results combine the insights of simple labour market and trade models. In countries that trade, relative wages respond inversely to variation in skill supplies, but the response decreases with the degree of openness to trade and is small in very open countries. To reconcile our results with standard estimates of the elasticity of substitution between skilled and unskilled workers, we allow also for the influence of directed technical change and income elasticity of demand for skill-intensive goods.

Political activism and polarizationJournal articleRaghul S. Venkatesh, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 22, Issue 5, pp. 1530-1558, 2020

I develop a model of activism and polarization in the context of electoral competition. Two candidates simultaneously announce policy platforms and seek the support of ideologically inclined activists. Activists compete to influence electoral outcomes by expending costly support for their respective candidates. The presence of activists always moderates the platform choice of candidates, compared to the case of no activism. The central finding of the paper is that the relationship between partisanship of activists and polarization is ambiguous. As activists become increasingly partisan, polarization of candidate platforms reduces or widens depending on the costs of activism. I present normative conditions under which the presence of activism and increased partisanship among activists are both welfare-improving for voters. Finally, introducing a public funding option for candidates increases polarization in the political process.

Global Value Chains and Local Business Environments: Which Factors Really Matter in Developing Countries?Journal articleMarion Dovis and Chahir Zaki, Review of Industrial Organization, Volume 57, Issue 2, pp. 481-513, 2020

This study assesses the effect of an economy’s business environment on the ability of firms to be part of a global value chain (GVC). With the use of a comprehensive firm-level dataset from the World Bank Enterprise Survey—and with a special focus on the countries of the Middle East and North Africa and East Asia and Pacific regions—the contribution of the paper is threefold: First, it provides a range of measures of the characteristics of firms that would identify a firm as likely to be integrated into a GVC. Second, it examines the association between an array of business environment variables—infrastructure; access to finance; fiscal policy; enforcement of contracts; ease of obtaining permits; extent of the informal sector; trade procedures; and firm and investor security—and the likelihood of a firm’s being integrated into a GVC. Third, we examine these effects separately for small and large firms and for sectors with high and low tariffs. Our main findings show that, in general, the number of days that are required to pay taxes, the number of procedures that are necessary to register property, and the time to export and to import have a significantly negative association with the likelihood of a firm’s integration into a GVC. More heterogeneity is observed at the regional level, at the firm size level, and for sectors with high versus low tariffs.

The curse of knowledge: having access to customer information can reduce monopoly profitsJournal articleDidier Laussel, Ngo Long and Joana Resende, Rand Journal of Economics, Volume 51, Issue 3, pp. 650-675, 2020

We show that a monopolist's profit is higher if he refrains from collecting coarse information on his customers, sticking to constant uniform pricing rather than recognizing customers' segments through their purchase history. In the Markov perfect equilibrium with coarse information collection, after each commitment period, a new introductory price is offered to attract new customers, creating a new market segment for price discrimination. Eventually, the whole market is covered. Shortening the commitment period results in lower profits. These results sharply differ from the ones obtained when the firm can uncover the exact willingness-to-pay of each previous customer.

Assessing the future medical cost burden for the European health systems under alternative exposure-to-risks scenariosJournal articleYevgeniy Goryakin, Sophie P. Thiébaut, Sébastien Cortaredona, Aliénor M. Lerouge, Michele Cecchini, Andrea B. Feigl and Bruno Ventelou, PLoS ONE, Marcello Montefiori (Eds.), Volume 15, Issue 9, pp. e0238565, 2020

Ageing populations and rising prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) increasingly contribute to the growing cost burden facing European healthcare systems. Few studies have attempted to quantify the future magnitude of this burden at the European level, and none of them consider the impact of potential changes in risk factor trajectories on future health expenditures.

The new microsimulation model forecasts the impact of behavioural and metabolic risk factors on NCDs, longevity and direct healthcare costs, and shows how changes in epidemiological trends can modify those impacts. Economic burden of NCDs is modelled under three scenarios based on assumed future risk factors trends: business as usual (BAU); best case and worst case predictions (BCP and WCP).

The direct costs of NCDs in the EU 27 countries and the UK (in constant 2014 prices) will grow under all scenarios. Between 2014 and 2050, the overall healthcare spending is expected to increase by 0.8% annually under BAU. In the all the countries, 605 billion Euros can be saved by 2050 if BCP is realized compared to the BAU, while excess spending under the WCP is forecast to be around 350 billion. Interpretation:
Although the savings realised under the BCP can be substantial, population ageing is a stronger driver of rising total healthcare expenditures in Europe compared to scenario-based changes in risk factor prevalence.

Information Provision in Environmental Policy DesignJournal articleVera Danilina and Alexander Grigoriev, Journal of Environmental Informatics, Volume 36, Issue 1, pp. 1-10, 2020

Information provision is a relatively recent but steadily growing environmental policy tool. Its emergency and topicality are due to the current escalation of ecological threats. Meanwhile, its high complexity and flexibility require a comprehensive approach to its design, which has to be tailored for specific characteristics of production process, market structure, and regulatory goals. This work proposes such an approach and builds a framework based on a three-level mathematical program extending well-known two-level Stackelberg game by introducing one more economic agent and one extra level of this sequential game. This study provides simple and very intuitive algorithms to compute optimal multi-tier information provision policies, both mandatory and voluntary. The paper urges for the wide implementation of such efficient environmental policy design tools.

The positive effect of workplace accommodations on the continued employment of cancer survivors five years after diagnosisJournal articleCaroline Alleaume, Alain Paraponaris, Marc-Karim Bendiane, Patrick Peretti-Watel and Anne-Deborah Bouhnik, Supportive Care in Cancer, Volume 28, Issue 9, pp. 4435-4443, 2020

To address the gap highlighted in the literature on the effect of professional interventions to facilitate continued employment, this study aims to evaluate the effect of workplace accommodations on the continued employment 5 years after a cancer diagnosis.

This study is based on VICAN5, a French survey conducted in 2015-2016 to examine the living conditions of cancer survivors 5 years after diagnosis. Two subsamples, one with and one without workplace accommodations, were matched using a propensity score to control for the individual, professional, and medical characteristics potentially associated with receipt of workplace accommodations.

The study sample was composed of 1514 cancer survivors aged 18-54 and employed as salaried at diagnosis. Among them, 61.2% received workplace accommodations within 5 years after diagnosis: 35.5% received a modified workstation, 41.5% received a modified schedule, and 49.2% received reduced hours. After matching, receipt of workplace accommodations appeared to improve the continued employment rate 5 years after cancer diagnosis from 77.8% to 95.0%.

Receipt of workplace accommodations strongly increases the continued employment of cancer survivors 5 years after diagnosis. More research is needed to better understand the differences in receipt of workplace accommodations along with the related selection effect.

Reproductive health, fairness, and optimal policiesJournal articleJohanna Etner, Natacha Raffin and Thomas Seegmuller, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 22, Issue 5, pp. 1213-1244, 2020

We consider an overlapping generations economy in which agents differ through their ability to procreate. Ex-ante infertile households may incur health expenditure to increase their chances of parenthood. This health heterogeneity generates welfare inequalities that deserve to be ruled out. We explore three different criteria of social evaluation in the long-run: the utilitarian approach, the ex-ante egalitarian criterion and the ex-post egalitarian one. We propose a set of economic instruments to decentralize each solution. To correct for the externalities and health inequalities, both a preventive (a taxation of capital) and a redistributive policy are required. We show that a more egalitarian allocation is associated with higher productive investment but reduced health expenditure and thus, lower population growth.

How helpful are social networks in finding a job along the economic cycle? Evidence from immigrants in FranceJournal articleEva Moreno Galbis, Francois-Charles Wolff and Arnaud Herault, Economic Modelling, Volume 91, pp. 12-32, 2020

Around 50% of individuals obtain or hear about jobs through social networks. This hiring trend may become problematic when the labor market is tight and people need less social contacts to find a job. Using a one-period static model where network members may receive job offers directly from the firm or indirectly through employed members in the network we show that the share of new hires finding a job through social connections (ie network matching rate) decreases with the job finding rate. Using French data for the period 2003-2012, we test this prediction with immigrants, a population subgroup for whom networks play a major role in occupational decisions. We propose two network matching rate indicators, one based on direct recommendations and another one internalizing the positive externality on the employment probability induced by peers. We find a decreasing relationship between the network matching rate and the job finding rate. Social connections are less helpful for finding jobs during economic expansions.

La gouvernance par les valeurs comme élément de performance des organisations de l'ESS. L'éclairage postmoderneJournal articleArnaud Lacan and François Silva, Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión, Issue 137, pp. 317-337, 2020

Cet article présente une réflexion générale sur la gouvernance et les pratiques managériales dans le domaine de l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) et suggère que, dans une période de mutations socioéconomiques profonde, les entreprises de l’ESS ont intérêt à mettre en place une gouvernance globale et un management des équipes qui soit cohérents avec les valeurs structurantes de son univers et les aspirations de leurs collaborateurs.