
Most of the information presented on this page have been retrieved from RePEc with the kind authorization of Christian Zimmermann
What Do We Know About Economic and Productivity Growth? A Review Article on Measuring Economic Growth and Productivity: Foundations, KLEMS Production Models, and ExtensionsJournal articleGilbert Cette, International Productivity Monitor, Volume 39, pp. 74-80, 2020

Measuring Economic Growth and Productivity is not only a book on an essential topic, namely that of "growth and productivity", it is also a fabulous ensemble, bringing together contributions from many top specialists. But, in addition, it is a tribute to Dale W. Jorgenson, who has for decades been an exceptional contributor to gaining a better knowledge of the mechanisms of growth and productivity. The volume is dedicated to him. I was present in January 2020 at the annual IPM dinner at the AEA conference, when a preprint of the book was presented to him by the editor, Barbara Fraumeni. I openly admit that it was a very emotional moment.

Remittances and inflation in OPEC countries:Evidence from bias-corrected least-squares dummy variable (CLSDV) estimatorJournal articleRashid Sbia and Helmi Hamdi, Economics Bulletin, Volume 40, Issue 3, pp. 2471-2483, 2020

The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of remittances outflows on inflation for a panel of 14 OPEC countries during the period 1980-2018. Using bias-corrected least-squares dummy variable (CLSDV) estimator, empirical results reveal that remittance outflows have no effect on inflation rate. However, trade openness and current account deficits have a positive impact on inflation. Further, oil price appears to not have any effect on inflation in OPEC countries.

Contracting under unverifiable monetary costsJournal articleNicolas Quérou, Antoine Soubeyran and Raphaël Soubeyran, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume 29, Issue 4, pp. 892-909, 2020

We consider a contracting relationship where the agent's effort induces monetary costs, and limits on the agent's resource restrict his capability to exert effort. We show that the principal finds it best to offer a sharing contract while providing the agent with an up-front financial transfer only when the monetary cost is neither too low nor too high. Thus, unlike in the limited liability literature, the principal might find it optimal to fund the agent. Moreover, both incentives and the amount of funding are nonmonotonic functions of the monetary cost. These results suggest that an increase in the interest rate may affect the form of contracts differently, depending on the initial level of the former. Using the analysis, we provide and discuss several predictions and policy implications.

Convergence in games with continua of equilibriaJournal articleSebastian Bervoets and Mathieu Faure, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 90, pp. 25-30, 2020

In game theory, the question of convergence of dynamical systems to the set of Nash equilibria has often been tackled. When the game admits a continuum of Nash equilibria, however, a natural and challenging question is whether convergence to the set of Nash equilibria implies convergence to a Nash equilibrium. In this paper we introduce a technique developed in Bhat and Bernstein (2003) as a useful way to answer this question. We illustrate it with the best-response dynamics in the local public good game played on a network, where continua of Nash equilibria often appear.

The fast iterated bootstrapJournal articleRussell Davidson and Mirza Trokić, Journal of Econometrics, Volume 218, Issue 2, pp. 451-475, 2020

The standard forms of bootstrap iteration are very computationally demanding. As a result, there have been several attempts to alleviate the computational burden by use of approximations. In this paper, we extend the fast double bootstrap of Davidson and MacKinnon (2007) to higher orders of iteration, and provide algorithms for their implementation. The new methods make computational demands that increase only linearly with the level of iteration, unlike standard procedures, whose demands increase exponentially. In a series of simulation experiments, we show that the fast triple bootstrap improves on both the standard and fast double bootstraps, in the sense that it suffers from less size distortion under the null with no accompanying loss of power.

Child Labor and Schooling Decisions among Self-Help Group Members in Rural IndiaJournal articleJean-Marie Baland, Timothee Demont and Rohini Somanathan, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Volume 69, Issue 1, pp. 73-105, 2020

This paper investigates the impact of informal microfinance groups (self-help groups, or SHGs) on children’s education and work in rural India. In 2002, 24 eligible villages were randomly selected for opening SHGs, and 12 others were randomly selected as a control group. Households were surveyed three times over a 5-year period, allowing for the study of medium-term outcomes. We find a robust and strong increase in secondary school enrollment rates over time, with intention-to-treat estimates of about 40%. This effect stems from a quicker grade progression, leading to lower dropout rates between primary and secondary school. Contrary to usual presumptions, we find no decrease in overall child labor (but a reorientation toward part-time domestic work) and no direct role of credit. By contrast, we show that social interactions within SHGs are very important.

La notion actuelle de durée du travail peut-elle résister au coronavirus ?Journal articleJacques Barthelemy and Gilbert Cette, Regards, Volume N°57, Issue 1, pp. 13-20, 2020


Inequality of opportunities in health and death: an investigation from birth to middle age in Great BritainJournal articleDamien Bricard, Florence Jusot, Alain Trannoy and Sandy Tubeuf, International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 49, Issue 5, pp. 1739-1748, 2020

We assess the existence of unfair inequalities in health and death using the normative framework of inequality of opportunities, from birth to middle age in Great Britain.
We use data from the 1958 National Child Development Study, which provides a unique opportunity to observe individual health from birth to the age of 54, including the occurrence of mortality. We measure health status combining self-assessed health and mortality. We compare and statistically test the differences between the cumulative distribution functions of health status at each age according to one childhood circumstance beyond people’s control: the father’s occupation.
At all ages, individuals born to a ‘professional’, ‘senior manager or technician’ father report a better health status and have a lower mortality rate than individuals born to ‘skilled’, ‘partly skilled’ or ‘unskilled’ manual workers and individuals without a father at birth. The gap in the probability to report good health between individuals born into high social backgrounds compared with low, increases from 12 percentage points at age 23 to 26 at age 54. Health gaps are even more marked in health states at the bottom of the health distribution when mortality is combined with self-assessed health.
There is increasing inequality of opportunities in health over the lifespan in Great Britain. The tag of social background intensifies as individuals get older. Finally, there is added analytical value to combining mortality with self-assessed health when measuring health inequalities.

Long-term work outcomes and the efficacy of multidisciplinary rehabilitation programs on labor force participation in cancer patients - a protocol for a longitudinal prospective cohort studyJournal articleHarald K. Engan, Line M. Oldervoll, Gro F. Bertheussen, Martine H. Gaarder, Roy A. Nielsen, Alain Paraponaris, Guro B. Stene, Jon A. Sandmael, Torgrim Tandstad and Steffen Torp, Journal of Public Health Research, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 511-516, 2020

Many cancer survivors experience late effects of cancer treatment and therefore struggle to return to work. Norway provides rehabilitation programs to increase labor force participation for cancer survivors after treatment. However, the extent to which such programs affect labor force participation has not been appropriately assessed. This study aims to investigate i) labor force participation, sick leave and disability rates among cancer survivors up to 10 years after being diagnosed with cancer and identify comorbidities contributing to long-term sick leave or disability pensioning; ii) how type of cancer, treatment modalities, employment sectors and financial- and sociodemographic factors may influence labor force participation; iii) how participation in rehabilitation programs among cancer survivor affect the longterm labor force participation, the number of rehospitalizations and incidence of comorbidities.

Design and methods.
Information from four medical, welfare and occupational registries in Norway will be linked to information from 163,279 cancer cases (15.68 years old) registered in the Norwegian Cancer Registry from 2004 to 2016. The registries provide detailed information on disease characteristics, comorbidities, medical and surgical treatments, occupation, national insurance benefits and demographics over a 10-year period following a diagnosis of cancer.

Expected impact of the study for Public Health.
The study will provide important information on how treatment, rehabilitation and sociodemographic factors influence labor force participation among cancer survivors. Greater understanding of work-related risk factors and the influence of rehabilitation on work-participation may encourage informed decisions among cancer patients, healthcare and work professionals and service planners.

Psychosocial and professional burden of Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR): Results from a French surveyJournal articleBlandine Courbiere, Arnaud Lacan, Michael Grynberg, Anne Grelat, Virginie Rio, Elisangela Arbo and Céline Solignac, PLoS ONE, Volume 15, Issue 9, pp. e0238945, 2020

Objective To evaluate the impact of infertility and Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) throughout all aspects of life among infertile women and men. Materials and methods An online survey included 1 045 French patients (355 men, 690 women) who were living or had lived the experience of infertility and MAR. The questionnaire included 56 questions on several domains: global feelings, treatment burden, rapport with medical staff, psychosocial impact, sexual life and professional consequences. Results Respondents had experienced an average of 3.6 (95% CI: 3.3–3.9) MAR cycles: 5% (n = 46) were pregnant, 4% (n = 47) were waiting to start MAR, 50% (n = 522) succeeded in having a live birth following MAR, 19% (n = 199) were currently undergoing ART, and 21% (n = 221) dropped out of the MAR process without a live birth. Satisfaction rates regarding the received medical care were above 80%, but 42% of patients pointed out the lack of information about non-medical support. An important impact on sexual life was reported, with 21% of patients admitted having not had intercourse for several weeks or even several months. Concerning the impact on professional life, 63% of active workers currently in an MAR program (n = 185) considered that MAR had strong repercussions on the organization of their working life with 49% of them reporting a negative impact on the quality of their work, and 46% of them reporting the necessity to lie about missing work during their treatment. Conclusion Despite a high overall level of satisfaction regarding medical care, the burden of infertility and MAR on quality of life is strong, especially on sexuality and professional organization. Clinical staff should be encouraged to develop non-medical support for all patients at any stage of infertility treatment. Enterprises should be warned about the professional impact of infertility and MAR to help their employees reconcile personal and professional life.