Naël Shehadeh

Internal seminars
phd seminar

Naël Shehadeh

Capital requirements and bank lending: Evidence from an emerging economy
Joint with
Aakriti Mathur



Maison de l'économie et de la gestion d'Aix
424 chemin du viaduc
13080 Aix-en-Provence

Tuesday, April 12 2022| 11:00am to 11:30am

Kenza Elass: kenza.elass[at]
Camille Hainnaux: camille.hainnaux[at]
Daniela Horta Saenz: daniela.horta-saenz[at]
Jade Ponsard: jade.ponsard[at]


In this undergoing project, we explore how a doubling of capital requirements affect lending. To do so, we use an extract of the credit registry in Tunisia, and study how this policy change has affected bank lending. Capital constrained banks react differently than unconstrained banks, and we will investigate possible effects on risky lending. Future work remains to be done, in particular regarding how public banks behave vs private ones, and a more granular look at the risk taking across different sectors.