Environment, human health and economy: are these objectives inconsistent?
Bibliothèque de l'Alcazar
58 cours Belsunce
13001 Marseille
2:00pm to 4:00pm
The environment and human health are two major determinants of wellbeing. However, these two dimensions are too often considered as constraints and obstacles to the economy.

The environment and human health are two major determinants of wellbeing. However, these two dimensions are too often considered as constraints and obstacles to the economy. This conference offers an introduction to the evaluation of the economic impacts of public policies in the field of health and / or the environment. We will consider the economic consequences of protecting ecosystems, improving food security or fighting against global warming, three dimensions of well-being that seem to oppose the "laws of the market".
Dominique Ami is professor in Economics at the Aix-Marseille School of Economics (Aix-Marseille University). Her research interests lie in the field of applied microeconomics and micro econometrics with a special focus on environment, health, non-market valuations and behavioural economics.