Decarbonizing the economy: from ambition to action
Bibliothèque de l'Alcazar
58 cours Belsunce
13001 Marseille
6:00pm to 7:30pm
Yves Doazan yves.doazan[at]
After the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, France set the objective of achieving a net "zero emissions" (ZEN) of greenhouse gases by 2050, with residual gross emissions to be absorbed by carbon sinks.
Aix-Marseille School of Economics has invited Alain Quinet, economist and chairman of the commission on the shadow value of carbon, and Aude Pommeret, economist, to speak at a meeting open to the public on Friday, January 11 at 6pm, at the Alcazar public library in Marseille.
The aim is to discuss how an economic approach can contribute to achieving the ZEN goal, with special emphasis on the following questions:
Which sectors and economic actors are concerned by decarbonation?
- How can human activities and emissions be “decoupled”? What opportunities and costs arise from such decoupling?
- What investment and innovation are required to deploy low-carbon technologies?
- What criteria should be used to identify relevant actions? Does the shadow value of carbon provide a clear representation of this issue?
- How can public interventions (like regulations, pricing, subsidies, guarantees) be effectively and fairly combined?
Alain Quinet, French economist and Inspector General of Finance, has held various responsibilities in French economic and financial administrations since 1988. He is the author of several articles and reports in the field of sustainable development and infrastructure.
Aude Pommeret, Professor of Economics at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc, is particularly interested in the economics of energy and the environment. She was employed for three years (2014-2017) at the "School of Energy and Environment" of City University of Hong Kong and is also a scientific advisor for the French government at France Stratégie, on the environment and energy.
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