AMSE school

AMSE is an academic community opened to the world through the recruitment of its teachers and students, that offers international high level graduate program.
In an ever-changing world, companies and public institutions increasingly need economists and finance professionals who understand the environment they operate in, and who can anticipate its evolution. This is the kind of leaders that AMSE trains.

In a digitalizing society, data are becoming a major resource in decision-making processes. Our students, trained to the techniques of economic analysis, statistics, econometrics, and finance, have therefore the capabilities to play a valuable role within firms and organizations.

Beyond their academic and technical training, AMSE students benefit from the international orientation of the school. AMSE welcomes students coming from all over the world.

The bilingual education is another key asset of the program; this enables students to improve gradually their skills in working in English.

AMSE School offers to students a renowned and high-quality education providing them with cutting edge techniques and analytical frames and concepts.

AMSE has indeed been labelled as an «excellence academy» by the Amidex foundation of Aix-Marseille University, thanks to its high-quality programme, its pedagogical innovations and its bilingual curriculum.

Videos: alumni talks and school life


AMSE has many generations of alumni.
Find the testimonials of graduates who have experienced AMSE!

See all alumni videos

Graduation ceremony and events

Relive your graduation ceremony and events!

See all "Life at AMSE" videos

Students’ associations

Active student life: AMSO’EXCITED

The students’ office (BDE), Amso’Excited, plays a key role in student life within the school.
The association regularly organizes major events to make student life at AMSE enjoyable, integration weekends, annual gala, and other themed evenings.


Junior enterprise: JUNIOR DATA ANALYST

Junior Data Analysts (JDA) is AMSE’s Junior Enterprise, a non-profit association.
Established as part of the school, it offers its students the opportunity to put their many academic skills into practice to raise their professional visibility and foster business relationships.
Meet the members of the JDA office


Graduates: AMSE Alumni

AMSE Alumni is a network of professionals that can help students enter the job market or find an internship. Thanks to this network, our graduates have the opportunity to be recruited directly from within the school.
