
  • dialogues économiques

Are we all equal when it comes to weight?

Studying BMI at the level of populations rather than individuals reveals marked disparities, not only between countries, but also between genders.
April 10th 2024
  • dialogues économiques

America's major cities: creating job inequalities

How does technical progress create a simultaneous increase of the number of high-skilled and low-skilled jobs? And why is this phenomenon of "polarization" particularly noticeable in big cities ?
March 27th 2024
  • Research
  • Success

Elisa Dienesch awarded the Royal Economic Society Prize

Congratulations to Elisa Dienesch (University of Cagliari, AMSE) who was awarded the Royal Economic Society Prize for her paper "Spatial Polarisation", co-authored with Fabio Cerina, Alessio Moro and Michelle Rendall.
March 20th 2024
  • dialogues économiques

Love is in the park: parents' marital preferences in China

In China, parents play a major role in finding a spouse for their children. Economists have studied parental preferences and how they match the wishes of their offspring.
March 13th 2024
  • Study
  • Education
  • Study

Apply in M2 and Magistère Ingénieur Économiste

Applications in M2 and first year or second years of the Magistère Ingénieur Économiste are open.
Applications in M2 and Magistère Ingénieur Économiste are open.
March 04th 2024
  • Study
  • Education

Alumni testimonial - Capucine Roquart

Capucine Roquart graduated in 2023 from the Magistère Ingénieur Économiste and the Master Economics track Economic Policy Analysis. She talks about her academic path at AMSE.
February 28th 2024
  • dialogues économiques

Polygamy and education in Africa: an unusual couple

Is there a link between the level of education and polygamy in Cameroon ? Economists delve into historical data and reveal some surprising results.
February 28th 2024
  • Research
  • Research highlight

The discounting premium puzzle: survey evidence from professional economists

Christian Gollier, Frederick van der Ploeg, Jiakun Zheng, 2023, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 122, Issue 102882.
February 28th 2024
  • Research
  • Research highlight

Gender differences in re-contesting decisions: new evidence from French municipal elections

Julieta Peveri, Marc Sangnier, 2023, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 214(C).
February 21st 2024
  • Study
  • Education
  • Study

FEG Master's Fair

Come and see the AMSE team at the Faculty of Economics and Management Master's Fair on Wednesday, 21 February, 2024 from 2pm to 5pm at the Ferry Campus in Aix-en-Provence.
Come and see the AMSE team at the Faculty of Economics and Management Master's Fair on Wednesday, 21 February, 2024 from 2pm to 5pm at the Ferry Campus in Aix-en-Provence.
February 20th 2024