
Thursday, May 9 2019| 12:00pm to 1:15pm

  • Thematic seminars
  • Economic theory seminar

Université Paris 2
Observation delays and cycles
Tuesday, May 7 2019| 2:30pm

  • Thematic seminars
  • big data and econometrics seminar

University of Luxembourg
Inequality of opportunity across European cohorts and the long-term impact of educational policy
Friday, May 3 2019| 12:00pm to 1:15pm

  • Thematic seminars
  • Development and political economy seminar

HEC Lausanne
The side effects of immunity: Malaria and African slavery in the United States
Thursday, May 2 2019| 12:00pm to 1:15pm

  • Thematic seminars
  • Economic theory seminar

Université Paris Seine, Université Cergy-Pontoise
Persuasion with limited communication capacity
Tuesday, April 23 2019| 2:30pm

  • Thematic seminars
  • big data and econometrics seminar

University of Oxford
Functional sequential treatment allocation
Friday, April 5 2019| 12:00pm to 1:15pm

  • Thematic seminars
  • Development and political economy seminar

Chicago Booth
(Not) playing favorites: An experiment on parental preferences for educational investment
Thursday, April 4 2019| 12:00pm to 1:15pm

  • Thematic seminars
  • Economic theory seminar

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Need to know? On information systems in firms
Thursday, March 28 2019| 12:00pm to 1:15pm

  • Thematic seminars
  • Economic theory seminar

University of Glasgow
Salience and management-by-exception
Friday, March 22 2019| 12:00pm to 1:30pm

  • Cancelled
  • Thematic seminars
  • Development and political economy seminar

University of Maryland
Thursday, March 21 2019| 12:00pm to 1:15pm

  • Thematic seminars
  • Economic theory seminar

Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Multi-sided assignment games on m-partite graphs