
Friday, January 15 2016| 10:00am to 12:30pm

  • VC Salle B

    Centre de la Vieille-Charité - Salle B
  • autres
  • market-markets

CNRS, PRODIG (1), Environnement Investigations (2)
Les marchés de la dépollution
  • Only in french
Monday, January 18 2016| 3:00pm to 4:30pm

  • General seminars
  • amse seminar

Stochastic petropolitics: The dynamics of institutions in resource-dependent economies
Tuesday, January 19 2016| 2:30pm to 4:00pm

  • VC Salle A

    Centre de la Vieille-Charité - Salle A
  • autres
  • job market seminar

ETH Zürich
Testing-based forward model selection
Thursday, January 21 2016| 12:30pm to 2:00pm

  • VC Salle A

    Centre de la Vieille-Charité - Salle A
  • autres
  • job market seminar

University of Oxford
Wages and endowments in a globalised world
Friday, January 22 2016| 2:30pm to 4:00pm

  • autres
  • job market seminar

Columbia University
Trade liberalization and inequality: A dynamic model with firm and worker heterogeneity
Monday, January 25 2016| 10:00am

  • thesis defenses

Decisions on the labor market in a context of both economic and health uncertainty. Empirical and theoretical approaches with applications for self-employed workers diagnosed with cancer.
Monday, January 25 2016| 2:30pm to 4:00pm

  • autres
  • job market seminar

MIT Economics
The impact of free media on regime change: Evidence from Russia
Tuesday, January 26 2016| 2:30pm to 4:00pm

  • VC Salle A

    Centre de la Vieille-Charité - Salle A
  • Thematic seminars
  • big data and econometrics seminar

Université Paris-Dauphine
Benefit in the wake of disaster: Long-run effects of earthquakes on welfare in rural Indonesia
Thursday, January 28 2016| 12:30pm to 2:00pm

  • VC Salle A

    Centre de la Vieille-Charité - Salle A
  • autres
  • job market seminar

University of Amsterdam
Buying first or selling first in housing markets
Monday, February 1 2016| 2:30pm to 4:00pm

  • autres
  • job market seminar

Anticipating preference reversals