
  • PhD
  • Success

Thesis defence, Matteo Sestito

Congratulations Matteo Sestito for having successfully defending your PhD thesis at Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) under the direction of Nicolas Berman.
June 28th 2024
  • Event

Econometric Game 2024

Four of our M2 students will participate in the Econometric Game from April 17 to 19 in Amsterdam to solve relevant and challenging real-life cases. Get to know the team members.
April 12th 2024
  • Education

Apply in M2 and Magistère Ingénieur Économiste

Applications in M2 and first year or second years of the Magistère Ingénieur Économiste are open.
March 04th 2024
  • Education

Alumni testimonial - Capucine Roquart

Capucine Roquart graduated in 2023 from the Magistère Ingénieur Économiste and the Master Economics track Economic Policy Analysis. She talks about her academic path at AMSE.
February 28th 2024
  • Education

FEG Master's Fair

Come and see the AMSE team at the Faculty of Economics and Management Master's Fair on Wednesday, 21 February, 2024 from 2pm to 5pm at the Ferry Campus in Aix-en-Provence.
February 20th 2024