

Determinacy of Equilibrium in an Overlapping Generations Model with Heterogeneous AgentsJournal articleCarine Nourry et Alain Venditti, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 96, Issue 1-2, pp. 230-255, 2001

We consider the determinacy of perfect foresight equilibrium near a steady state in an overlapping generations model with production and both altruistic and non altruistic agents having distinct utility functions. The proportions of each type of consumers is exogenously given. Such a model may be interpreted as both a particular case and an extension of the one considered by Muller and Woodford(1988) in which both finite and infinite lived agents coexist.

Intersectoral external effects, multiplicities & indeterminaciesJournal articleJean-Pierre Drugeon et Alain Venditti, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 25, Issue 5, pp. 765-787, 2001

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Agents hétérogènes, croissance et déterminations de l'équilibreJournal articleCarine Nourry et Alain Venditti, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Issue 59, pp. 227-247, 2000

We consider a one-sector growth model which combines overlapping generations of finite lived agents and infinite lived consumers. We show that two types of equilibrium may exist. A first type corresponds to the modified golden rule if the stationary consumption of infinite lived agents is strictly positive. A second type of steady state in which infinite lived agents do not consume may also exist. We give sufficient conditions for local determinacy of the interior steady state which does not depend on the "size"
of infinitely lived agents. An example finally shows that the equilibrium may be locally indeterminate when both types of agents are present while the associated DIAMOND model has one unique equilibrium.

Indeterminacy and endogenous fluctuations in two-sector growth models with externalitiesJournal articleAlain Venditti, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 33, Issue 3-4, pp. 521-542, 1998

This paper discusses the influence of technological externalities on the dynamic properties of accumulation paths in a two-sector growth model in discrete time.

Optimal growth and cycles in overlapping generations modelsJournal articlePhilippe Michel et Alain Venditti, Economic Theory, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 511-528, 1997

This paper investigates the dynamical properties of optimal paths in one-sector overlapping generations models without assuming that the utility function of the representative agent is separable. When the utility function is separable, the optimal growth paths monotonically converges toward the modified golden rule steady state. In the non-separable case, we show that the optimal growth path may be oscillating and optimal twoperiod cycles may exist. Applying these results to the model with altruism, we show that the condition of operative bequest is fully compatible with endogeneous fluctuations provided that the discount factor is close enough to one. All our results are illustrated using Cobb-Douglas utility and production functions.

Strong Concavity Properties of Indirect Utility Functions in Multisector Optimal Growth ModelsJournal articleAlain Venditti, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 74, Issue 2, pp. 349-367, 1997

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Croissance optimale et cycles dans le modèle à générations imbriquées : un exempleJournal articlePhilippe Michel et Alain Venditti, Revue Économique, Volume 47, Issue 3, pp. 487-497, 1996

[eng] This paper investigates the dynamical properties of optimal paths in an exam­ple of one-sector overlapping generations model in which the utility function of the representative agent is non-separable. We show that the optimal growth path may be oscillating and optimal two-period cycles may exist. Applying these results to the model with altruism, we show that the condition of operative bequest is fully compatible with endogenous fluctuations.

[fre] On étudie les propriétés dynamiques des sentiers optimaux dans un exemple du modèle à générations imbriquées à un secteur dans lequel la fonction d'utilité de l'agent représentatif est non separable. On montre dans cet exemple que le sentier optimal de croissance peut osciller et que des cycles optimaux de période deux peuvent exister. En appliquant ces résultats au modèle avec altruisme, on montre que la condition de legs positif s est parfaitement compatible avec des fluc­tuations endogènes.

Hopf bifurcation and quasi-periodic dynamics in discrete multisector optimal growth modelsJournal articleAlain Venditti, Ricerche Economiche, Volume 50, Issue 3, pp. 267-291, 1996

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Turnpike theory : Some new results on the saddle point property of equilibria and on the existence of endogenous cyclesJournal articlePierre Cartigny et Alain Venditti, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 18, Issue 5, pp. 957-974, 1994

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